Tuesday, February 23, 2016

DeceasedCrab plays Trilby: The Art of Theft - Part 3 of 8

Yeah, I'll just steal from these people and OH CRAP WHAT DID I JUST WITNESS

Heist 3
Golden Waters Health Resort

Well, if it's any indication, Perota's in on the sudden drop someone got on you. At the same time, people are about to get their luggage robbed. This is going to be fun.

There are two screens to this hotel: the left half and the right half.

The toilet in the bathroom in the left half contains treasure. I kid you not. While we're at it, there are other things to steal, such as the bag of laundry in the laundry room and the paintings on the wall.

One of the rooms in the right half contains a pair of pants on a table. Search it for a Rolex and Reputation Points. Who leaves their Rolex in a pants pocket, anyway?

There's a room in the lower-left corner of the left half that you have to take the long way to reach, but it contains a note that shows who is in what room and whether they're either in or out. Rooms 1 and 3 have people, as do Rooms 4 and 5. Rooms 2 and 6 are empty, so be ready to loot those rooms like no tomorrow. Dominic Perota and his wife are in Room 5.

When you enter Room 5 to meet with Dominic Perota, you'll see a woman stabbing him. What's going on? Is this woman his wife, or some random person? Why did Dominic get stabbed and killed?


When you check the newspaper, it'll say that Dominic Perota has been murdered.

Also, you may have used your Reputation Points to increase your skills after the last two points, but the third heist is a treasure trove for them! 

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