Sunday, February 7, 2016

DeceasedCrab plays Rocky Rodent - Part 9 of 16

Just when we thought we were out of this nightmare factory...

Level 11: Red Hot Co 3

The boss here is some black guy on a mechanical pink elephant on a motorized track. Avoid the elephant's extending head (which has little to no range) and keep hitting this guy with your hair. Having the purple mohawk works best. If you don't have any hair, you'll have to run all the way up to the guy and jump on his head, and that involves avoiding the mechanical elephant's attacks.

Level 12: East Sewer

When you finish this level, you'll go down to the sewers. You'll meet the Skateboard Guy again. This time, you'll have to get out of the sewers before the sewage poisons you.

There aren't really a lot of enemies here. Sure, there are lava pits, falling bridges, frogs that try to hit you with their tongues and pits full of rubber tires, but there aren't really a lot of enemies here. It's pretty easy to breeze through this level...until you see the pipes shooting the chili down the chili pits (Is it even lava now? I want to think it's lava, but we're in the sewers under the Chili Factory, so technically it's still chili.)

The crocodiles cannot be jumped on. Instead, you'll need to use either your hair or Pecky. Pecky is much better, since she can get to them before you can.

You'll soon start seeing a new type of platform: moving platforms. The first two require switches, but the rest of them move on their own. You'll have to get up the first two before they return to their neutral positions, which happens in a matter of seconds.

If you go down the wrong pipe near the end, you'll have to run away from a subway train.

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