Tuesday, February 9, 2016

DeceasedCrab plays Rocky Rodent - Part 13 of 16

Posting the first part of that boss strategy again...because this guy can be really, really hard.

Level 14: Sunflower Ave.

The boss here is that red bat guy again. He's harder this time, so here's how you do it: Get away when he stops and crosses his arms. Far away. He'll drop five bombs, and the range he covers with the bomb throwing attack is a bit wide. From there, hit him with the purple mohawk (which I definitely recommend).

You want to get as much damage in as you can. Why? Because the sidewalk cracks and reveals an entire spike pit. When it's down to just one tile of sidewalk, the boss will throw these red manhole covers at you. If you hit them with your hair , they'll you'll send them back at him, and he'll hit them into the wall. These will act as your platforms to get away from that huge spike pit. From there, you'll be fighting him on the roof of the nearby building.

From here, do not throw your hair at him. As a matter of fact, you're better off just saving the red mohawk power-up in the gift box in case you accidentally get hit. Let him move all the way to the right and off the screen. Yeah, just wait there and keep jumping to stay on the roof. He'll try to swoop in at you from the other side, so use this as an opportunity to jump on his head. ONCE AGAIN, DO NOT THROW YOUR HAIR AT HIM. The boss will take some of the shingles off the roof and hit you with them.

When you beat him, you'll find out he's been working for Don Garcia, and he's told him you're getting close. Before he's dead, he'll tell you that the attack from the clock tower will seal your fate. Why do I have the feeling that this is where he's holding Melo...oh, of course. It's a clock tower.

Level 15: Ritmo Clock Tower 1

Before the level begins, you'll finally meet Don Garcia. He's taking Melody somewhere, quite possibly the clock tower.

That thing that looks like a pair of axe handles (somebody please tell me what they are, I'm not a clockmeister or anything) is a spring, just so you know.

The clock tower is obviously full of gears that move you around. Be prepare to make some running jumps as you make your way to the top of the level where the first continue point is. From there, you'll be making your way down, and you'll also be dealing with an escalator of platforms that can send you into the ceiling to a crushing death if you're not careful.

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