Wednesday, December 9, 2015

lukenuetzmann plays R-Type III: The Third Lightning - Part 1 of 9

I'm doing another shooter, even though I never really intended to do another one after Thunder Force IV. Of course, this is a Konami game, and I haven't really covered a lot of Konami games, so...yeah.

I could cover strategies for this one, but since I'm basically dumbfounded after trying to wrap my brain around how to do this, I'm gonna cover this one much like I did Thunder Force IV.

Stage 1

0:53 - After we see the controls, watch Luke pick his Force Power and see a rather kick-ass graphical sequence where we see the inside of the ship and quickly zoom out one layer at a time, we start the game.

Notice I'm starting at the zoom-out part, because it's awesome.

1:00 - We finally start the game. We can charge the beam by holding down the fire button, and we can charge it up beyond a green bar with some power-ups.

1:16 - Once the debris appears, we'll be going straight through a tunnel.

1:37 - Once we're out of it, we'll be dealing with three robots. The first two are easy to kill off with a charge shot. The third one? Just avoid it. It'll accidentally destroy itself by smashing itself backwards into a wall.

2:08 - Meet the floor. You definitely want to run into either the bottom of the ship that's flying right over you, and you don't want to navigate right into the floor, either.

Also, for the love of god, get the Force Device in front of you, get the laser power-up for it and shoot down everything as soon as possible.

2:30 - The next minute and a half is full of Rage Guy moments. This game will kick your ass on the first stage.

4:12 - "Okay, everything's safe now! What could possibly go wroFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU"

Now the rocket-propelled floor starts moving back and forth. Then the new ceiling bumps it out of the way.

4:52 - No sooner do you finally deal with these annoying Gundam wanna-bes that this happens. Only Konami would do such a thing on the first level.

5:11 - We finally get a chance to blow this laser away. But where will the path behind it take us? Next time!

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