Friday, June 6, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 19 of 38

We suit up for the second fiend and do a whole bunch of other stuff. Fun.

All maps by x_loto.

Gurgu Volcano


As mentioned earlier, the next two staircases are straightforward, but on the third, start hunting for more treasure. It should be noted that one of the chests here is a duplicate of one from the second floor. Thankfully, that's the only duplicate.

Anyway, the first room you see has two chests. The chest on the right is guarded by a Grey W on the left. The chest on the left is guarded by an Agama. The Agama has a Fire spell that targets your entire party, but it's not really that much to write home about unless you're not well prepared.

The R.Giants are slightly harder than the regular Giants, but once again they can't do anything that could be perceived as special. He can deal 100+ HP worth of damage, so be careful.

Even though the Ice Sword is bugged, it'll be the most powerful weapon you can give to a Red Mage for a little while.

The space between the 7000+ G chest and the Flame Shield chest has enemies if you walk into it. The Flame Shield is worth it as it protects against Ice attacks.

If you go north immediately after entering the 10 G chest/155 G chest room, you'll fight another Grey W.

The chest with the House is guarded by a R.Hydra from the south.

The chest with 1250 G is guarded by an Agama from the west. So is the chest above it with a Wooden Staff inside.

For the final floor, go immediately to the room to the west to find some Flame Armor. You'll have to fight an Agama and a Red D (Red Dragon) before you can get it, no matter what. If you give it to the Fighter, his Absorb will stay the same but his Evade will jump way up.

From here, go to the southwest corner of the final floor and you'll see the Fire Altar.

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