Thursday, June 5, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 17 of 38

In this episode, we get some more stuff done.

All maps by x_loto.

Crescent Lake


We're getting close to having Level 6 spell charges, so let's see what's in the magic shops.

Good lord, the spells are getting expensive at a price of 20,000 G apiece. For white spells, we have Soft (which works on Stoned party members and acts like a Soft Potion), Exit (which lets you get out of a dungeon quickly), Fog2 (a stronger version of Fog) and Inv2 (a stronger version of Invs). For black spells, we have Lit3 (an even stronger Lightning spell), Rub (which is a one-hit kill spell), Qake (an earthquake spell that affects all monsters) and Stun (which Paralyzes enemies).

While you're here, talk to the Circle of Sages again. One of them will give you a Canoe, which you'll need to make your way to the volcano and take out the next Fiend.

To use the Canoe, simply walk into a river. Your lead party member's sprite will change to that of some people rowing a canoe. Just follow the maze until you reach the Gurgu Volcano (which is northwest of Crescent Lake).

While you're in the canoe, you'll be fighting some other enemies. The Hydras are pretty easy, and you can take the mout rather quickly. The Caribes (which are piranhas) are also weak. The Ochos, on the other hand, are pretty tough as they can Poison you with their physical attacks. The Crocs (if you ever meet them) have very power physical attacks, but they can be taken out rather quickly with Lightning spells, so if you see one, you're better using a spell charge if you see more than one on the battlefield.

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