Sunday, June 15, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 35 of 38


All maps by x_loto.

Floating Castle


The last floor is a bridge. There's a 3 in 64 chance that you'll meet up with WarMech (War Machine) on this bridge...and WarMech is insane.

Guess what? HCBailly actually freakin' meets it.

(Optional) Boss: WarMech

WarMech is just nasty. Not only does he have a physical attack as well as Nuclear (both of which can cause painful amounts of damage) it also replenishes 100 HP every round you don't take it out (and the game doesn't tell you). AFir's not going to help at all against Nuke, so don't even bother.

If for some reason you can get the first strike, cast Fade on it with the White Wizard. Otherwise, cast Fast on your party members and keep everyone healed up.

If you can somehow manage to beat it, you'll get 8000 XP and 32000 G, which is a lot for any monster in this game.

After that, all that's left is to cross the bridge and fight Tiamat.

Boss: Tiamat

Tiamat's Thunder isn't that bad, even with ALit cast. Too bad her defense is quite high.

If you have a Master, he'll really come in handy. By now he should be able to deal 10 or 11 hits in one attack on Tiamat.

When you're done with Tiamat, you'll be able to restore the Wind Orb and teleport out of here.

Crescent Lake


Talk to the Circle of Sages again. This time, you'll have to head back to the Temple of Fiends as it is in the center of the Four Altars...and in order to keep all of this from happening [b]again[/b], you'll have to go back in time 2000 years to stop a time loop from repeating itself. Not surprisingly, you're currently at the end of the time loop.

Dwarf Cave


Go back and see Smith again, and give him the Adamant. You'll get Xcalber (Excalibur). Give it to the Knight.


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