Sunday, January 9, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Toonstruck - Part 12 of 19

In this episode, we check out for the Malevolands for the first time, then get a costume for the Carecrow.

Take the upper path where B.B. Wolf blocked your path. This takes you to the Malevolands.

The bouncer in front of Seedy's will eat some meat and spit it out. Take the hunk of meat that lands on the pavement. You'll need it later. If you talk to the bouncer, you'll find out that the bouncer is female. By breaking the ice, you'll find that she is very no-nonsense and that she is making sure nobody enters Seedy's without the proper attire. If you pay attention to the people going in, you'll find out they are wearing black cloaks, as the bouncer won't tell you what it is and squashes you temporarily if you ask about Seedy's. By asking the bouncer about Count Nefarious, you won't get anything about him.

The castle in the distance is Count Nefarious', of course.

The door with the bars on it is a jail cell. On the desk is an ink pad, which you can use later. There is also a picture of a wall safe on the wall, and if you left-click it, you'll find a slider puzzle. The picture on the slider puzzle is Nefarious' three henchmen: Goggles, Lugnut and Feedback. I'm not the best at slider puzzles, but if you work on the top row first and work your way down, you'll have an easier time. If you finish the puzzle, you'll find a portable hole that allows you to travel between the town centers of Cutopia, Zandyu and The Malevolands. To the right of that is the jail cell, which we hopefully don't want to enter yet.

By using the music box on the ink pad, you can turn the music box into a stamp. By using the makeshift on the costume shop voucher, you can get a free costume at the costume shop. When you head there, however, Goggles, Lugnut and Feedback will show up via a portable hole and look for you. Hide in the changing room immediately to get away from them, or else you'll be taken to the jail cell from earlier. (I'll explain that one in a later video.) Note where the portable hole was when they showed up. That's a clue as to how to use it.

You can now hand the now-stamped voucher to Ms. Fit in exchange for a costume. Before you get it, however, you'll get a fly suit, which you'll need later. As for the costume that you get after this, there are twelve choices, and this is how you find a new costume for the Carecrow. Now for how to figure it out.

The lumberjack outfit is too sappy. The tutu is considered cross-dressing. The Santa outfit can't be worn all year round, and neither can the Easter Bunny outfit (which can be considered as having a hair out of place, hardy har har). The jester costume has too many bells, breaking the "bells and whistles" rule. The clown outfit breaks the "doesn't have a big top" rule. The police officer outfit has a whistle, breaking the "bells and whistles" rule. The astronaut costume is "out of this world." The pajamas cannot be worn all day long. The Viking outfit has a hair out of place, and the bishop outfit also has a big top. That leaves the harlequin outfit - the pink-and-cyan outfit on the lower-right corner of the first page - as the only costume you can give the Carecrow. If you get it wrong, you can always exchange the costume for something else.

When you hand it to the Carecrow, he will stick to his word and give you his cloak in exchange only for Count Nefarious to show up and malevolize him and the rest of the area, giving the Carecrow a nightmarish appearance. And I liked him, too...

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