Sunday, January 2, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Toonstruck - Part 5 of 19

In this entry, we check out the other two shops in the town that we haven't been to yet.

The shop with the glasses for a sign is the costume shop.

Once we're inside, we'll meet Ms. Fit of Ms. Fit's Costumarama. You'll find out that she is a big-time book reader if you break the ice with her. You'll also find out that she likes costuming and transcending one's physical appearance.

You can ask about the costumes, and you'll find out that she has completed a voucher program for store promotional purposes. Unfortunately, your voucher will need King Hugh's endorsement, which you don't have on it. If only you could put a stamp of approval on it...

If you ask about the book, she will tell you that the book is called "Enigma" and is about insoluble puzzles. That book may come in handy eventually...

Since there's not much we can do at the Costumarama, there's just one more shop to go to. That leaves the bakery, which has a cupcake for a sign. 

When we go inside, however, the two bakers there are rather down. These two guys are the Baker Brothers, Dough and Mee, and unfortunately, their brother Ray is missing, and without him, the bakery isn't doing very much in terms of business. Dough produces the dough, Ray cooks the dough, and Mee sells whatever is left at the end of the day.

By asking about Ray, Dough and Mee will think that Ray had been kidnapped by Count Nefarious' henchmen, which explains Ray's sudden disappearance. By asking about the dough, you'll also found out that after Ray disappeared, Cutopia ran out of butter, and without butter, nothing can be done in the bakery at all.

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