Monday, January 3, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Toonstruck - Part 6 of 19

There's nothing left to do in town, so let's head south and see what - or who - we run into.

There's nothing left to do in town, so go south.

When you head south, you'll meet Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun, and you'll also see the malevolation that Count Nefarious' Malevolator has created.

By breaking the ice with her, you'll find out that Count Nefarious has ruined her meadow, and that she would rather trade the cotton candy somebody gave to her for cheering up for popcorn as she goes from cute to drama queen in about a second. Once the ice is broken, you can ask her about other things, but she will be of little use when it comes to asking about King Hugh.

By following the path to the west, you'll see a scarecrow and a barn. We could go to the barn, but we won't do that...yet. Believe it or not, one of the ears of corn can be clicked on and picked up. Take it; you'll need it later.

By left-clicking the scarecrow, Drew will think that the scarecrow is another resident of Cutopia only to find out the scarecrow is another resident of Cutopia when Flux Wildly makes fun of it. The scarecrow is actually the Carecrow, who takes care of all the birds in Cutopia, including the crows. By breaking the ice with the Carecrow, you'll find out that he does not like the cloak that he has on, as he had no choice in the matter when whoever created him dressed him up. Drew offers to help the Carecrow get a new outfit, and the Carecrow will ask for something that he can wear all day long and all year round, that isn't out of this world, does not have a hair out of place, isn't too sappy, doesn't have many bells and whistles, doesn't have a big top, and doesn't involve cross-dressing. It may seem like much, but we will be able to help the Carecrow later on.

If you ask the Carecrow about King Hugh, he will mention that King Hugh does not have much of a fashion sense. 

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