Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Kikoskia plays Silent Bomber - Part 15 of 23

In this entry, somebody really starts to mess with us before we have to face Blue Mist again.

After you beat the boss, a mysterious voice will show up and tell Jutah he has been cutting loose before asking him if this reminded him of when he was in Tarakhan and "those days of slaughter." He then says that he has no doubt Jutah will discover the other face that is hidden behind Dante. From here, you can exit.

Mission 11

I've finally made it to the <Dante>'s heart. My destination is the bridge at the top level of this elevator! If I destroy that, the <Dante>'s control systems should cease functioning...

Operation: Storm the bridge!

Get on the platform to go up and start the level. Guess what? You're facing the Blue Mist forces again. Be ready to jump over the lasers when the aiming laser hits you, and to avoid the missiles when they are fired at you. You'll want to stay on the move and you'll want to use the Lock-On Unit. If you need to, play around with the stats on your bombs and increase the range.

When you beat all three of the Blue Mist soldiers, three more show up. Take them out the same way you did the first three. It's almost the same battle, but this time, you'll have a new attack in the form of a white ball that is fired out by one of the soldiers. This white ball will follow you around, and you'll have to run in circles to avoid the ball until it disappears.

The elevator will eventually stop due to Annri losing control of the elevator, and you'll have to hold off a bunch of turrets until Annri can get it back online. Thankfully, this is time based and you don't have to destroy all the turrets; you can just stay on the move and avoid getting shot. Don't forget to look for E-Chips and health here as you blow up the turrets, as there are three E-Chips in all here as well as a good bit of health.

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