Tuesday, April 28, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Gex (PS1) - Part 12 of 15

We have two more levels in Planet X to go through in this entry, and I make the second of the two look easier than it actually is. I lost a good few lives practicing the jumps.

Bombs Away

The beginning of the level is simple enough. Just make sure you get the flea power-up if you don't get anything else. After this, you'll suddenly be in a chasm full of guys shooting bombs at you as you drop down. Stick to the wall and tail whip everybody on your way down. You'll find the remote. From here, you'll have to make your way up and take out all the bomb shooting enemies as you make your way up to the exit. If you go right through the wall at the top, you'll find a grasshopper, three extra lives and super speed. Be sure to grab those if you need to before going left.

To the left of the top of the bombing area is an arrow made of golden flies. If you drop down where the arrow is, stick to the side of the platform and climb onto the underside, a portal will show up. Drop down and enter it to end the level.

Head To Head

The question mark at the beginning will tell you to tail bounce on the robots in the acid pools to get past them. That's the only hint you'll need, as you'll be doing that through the entire level. You can jump on the robots more than once even if they're speeding up and getting away from you after being tail bounced, which is useful. If you fall into the acid pools, it's instant death. It doesn't get difficult until after you reach the checkpoint. If you can make the last few jumps over the acid pools, you'll get seven extra lives for your effort.

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