Monday, April 20, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bloody Wolf (TG-16) - Part 3 of 4

So, there's a reason why Stage 5 is the only stage of its kind in the's made exclusively for the console port. Still wish there was another stage or part in the game like it, though.

Stage 5

Unlike the other levels of this game, this one lets you go in any direction you want in what is basically one large screen. You can even double back if you need to. 

Now that you're playing as the second character, you've lost all your stuff, such as the key, the flippers and even health extensions, and you'll have to get them all back by entering buildings and breaking boxes to find stuff.

Instead of a boss, you'll have to travel all over the level while dealing with a limitless supply of enemies that always come after you and rescue all the hostages. Once you rescue all twelve hostages, you'll head to the next level. Some are out in the open, while some are in buildings and others are in threes that you'll have to climb in order to rescue them. When you rescue a hostage, you'll be told how many are left.

When you reach the trees on the far north side, enemies can't spawn. Take out any nearby enemies before climbing trees before rescuing hostages, and watch out for robot enemies shooting out electric barriers, as the electric barriers will take off three units of health. Just keep jumping when you're in the foliage, as it will slow you down considerably.

One building has an enemy known as the Knife Killer, and you're forced to fight him with only your knife. Keep your distance, and make sure he doesn't jump into you. Let him come to you when it comes to stabbing him. Be sure to take the Medicine from the nearby box after you beat him. One of the three hostages in the building will tell you that your first character has been moved to the base's headquarters twenty miles northeast.

When in doubt, use the fins you find her to avoid enemies in the water where you start. Also, if you keep jumping to where you need to go, you can move faster and off-screen more enemies.

Stage 6

This stage is very short. The first building contains six boxes, and the upper-left boxes contains the Infra-Red Scope, which you'll need for later in the game. The hostage here tells you to use the raft, which you'll soon have no choice but to use.

As you ride the raft, be ready to fight off enemies that land on the raft from above, and try not to get shot at. When you make it back to land, enter the building to the left. The upper box holds a Key for locker boxes and the bottom one has Medicine. DO NOT DESTROY THE BOX WITH THE MEDICINE. YOU WILL NEED IT.

To beat the tank, watch where the cannon in the center is aimed, and move around to avoid the spread shots from the side turrets. Make sure you are slightly off center while shooting at the tank so the tank's missiles don't shoot out and hit you. If you watch what you're doing, you can make this battle look pretty darn easy.

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