Wednesday, April 8, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bubsy II (Super Nintendo) - Part 18 of 19

...and that's it! That's the game finished...but we still have the mini-game mode! Tune in next entry for that!

Plan Swine From Outer Space

You'll have to head right to get this level started. (If you go left, you can open a treasure chest for bonus points.)

If you collect lives past 99, the game wil count them. You'll even get the true count of lives that you have left in the gift shop. You just can't buy any more in the gift shop at the end of every stage once you reach 99.

After the flying part, you'll have to go down to ground level and then left to find a switch that will turn off some barriers. Further to the right, you'll have to explore ground level to find a switch that will take you to even more cool stuff, including a continue.

I Sphynx Therefore I Ham

Believe it or not, this level has the exact same level design as A Tomb With A View, the Egyptian level from the East Wing of the third I'm going to copy everything down from that level!

o the right of the start is a long pit with a 1-Up in it. If you trigger the switch to the right of it, you'll turn it into a fire-pit. Further to the right is a one-way path and the only way to get out is to hit a switch that will close off a pit that leads to a bounce pad and a few marbles.

The rotating red arrow is a continue. You'll use one if you lose all of your lives. Given that this game is much easier than the first one, you won't even come close to using them as often.

You'll also start seeing square platforms in three colors. Light brown and sunset brown ones can be stood one; if they're mostly black, you can't stand on them at all, and if you even try, you'll fall right through them.

There is a hidden wall in the upper-right corner of the level that leads to a Smart Bomb, a crate of marbles and a 1-Up.

When you beat all five levels in the third floor, sell all your items for gift cards in the gift shop and exchange them for lives. You'll only be using your jump to fight Oinker P. Hamm.

Oinker P. Hamm

Oinker P. Hamm will shoot projectiles at you. Keep jumping on him as he moves, and be ready to move away when he stops to jump. If you can jump on the projectiles, you can easily get rid of them and get back to repeatedly jumping on Oinker P. Hamm. After enough hits, Oinker's robot's head will disappear and you'll expose Oinker himself. Keep at it, and you'll eventually beat Oinker P. Hamm and win the game.

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