Sunday, April 12, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions - Part 5 of 5

It's time to head to Mars and foil Marvin's plans once and for all!

The Greatest Show Off Earth

Planet: Mars
Type: Red
Size: Dinky
Atmosphere: Warlike, upbeat and sassy!

We take on Marvin one last time on his own turf! Are you ready?

Section 1

Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote make a cameo at the beginning of the level. Also, the bouncer looks back like "What the hell do you think you're doing?" That's all he does, though.

Do not fall to the bottom; you will die. Also, the Martians are back, and here they wear leather jackets and boots, as well as red hair. They also look like they just applied guy-liner and they're not even mad. WUT

If you fly up and to the right after the first moving platform, you can find an easy-to-miss 1-Up.

The turrets here that shoot the straight, green lasers cannot be destroyed, which is lame since they're annoying. You'll have to time your movements and get past them.

Anyway, make your way right until you hit the Continue Point. Going up takes you to an Orange Juice and a Nutty Attack going down takes you to the normal path through the level. Take the next elevator. There's a Three-Way Gun on the platform above you if you need it. Stand on the next platform and jump right when it falls so you won't die.

Follow the path after the second Continue Point. Shoot the humanoid Martian (who looks a lot like a taller Marvin) and block his homing shots when they come near. (They also have a limited range and disappear about a second or two later, just so you know.) The third floor has a walking grey cannon the ceiling that you can shoot down, but be careful as the barrel tracks you. It also fires the same homing shots as the humanoids.

Once you get past the indestructible turrets, go right and use the falling platforms to jump further right to another elevator. If you shoot down the humanoid above it, you can make your way to another Orange Juice.

Go down the shaft, take the platform and you'll fight the parking robot. He'll keep moving on and off the screen, then after several shots he''ll start flying around with its own version of the Bomb Gun. It flies in a figure eight pattern, so pick it off at the middle of the screen and avoid its bombs.

Section 2

Take the elevator all the way down and defeat the Martian for the Electricity Gun.

Go right, drop down, go left, take the next elevator all the way down. Jump on the second car. Take the platform above you and go right (going left here takes you to some fuel if you need it, as well as a Continue Gem if you can get past the turrets).

You'll get a Bomb Gun if you keep going right, though, followed by some platform to jump up. Go left and follow the path, then go right and destroy the walking cannon. Take the elevator down to the next level, jump between the platforms after the turrets fire, and drop down.

Go left, and after the turret, drop down and go right. Shoot the humanoid down for an Orange Juice. Jump on the column and go right to fight Marvin and K-9. Finally, his Martian dog finally makes an appearance!

They'll both appear on-screen with a ridiculously long cannon. Keep shooting even after they've fired - they have a Five-Way Gun that's pretty nasty. Thankfully, the blaster can destroy all the shots at once if you can time it right. They'll appear on the other side of the screen and fire it at you again, then repeat. They're not that hard.

Section 3

Take the elevator up, jump up the platforms and the platforms and keep going right to get a Continue Gem.

Return to the start and go down. Follow the path all the way to the lowest part of the level. Go right, jump onto the platform and to the right to keep going, drop down, keep going right (there's an Orange Juice above the first car), then jump onto the column at the dead end and follow the path.

Just before the elevator is another Orange Juice if you need it. Take the elevator all the way up, go right, take out the humanoid, go right and start making your way down. When you reach the cars, go right and defeat the Martian. There's an Orange Juice above him.

Go right, kill the Martian, take the elevator up and follow the path upwards to get another Continue Gem. Go down two levels and take the elevator up one. Make your way up as you go left. You'll find another Orange Juice when you go right after the fork in the road and look among the upper platforms.

There's an elevator at the right-most end, there's a fuel can just below you and a Three-Way Gun below that. Now take the elevator all the way up. Jump up the platforms. Reaching the Section 3 boss should be dead simple from here.

Do not go all the way to the right when you jump onto the upper platform - that big hairy red guy from some of the Looney Tunes cartoons - whose name is Gossamer - will run smack into you.

Use your Nutty Bombs on him - all of them. Marvin's so easy this time around, you really won't need them. If he's not dead yet, alternate between the upper and lower platforms frequently, getting shots on him in between as you treat him like a charging bull. He's pretty fast, so be on the move and pay attention.

If you want to save your Nutty Bombs, stay on the platforms when Gossamer disappears. That will keep him on the upper level. Get down and aim upwards with the Anti-Matter gun 


LOL @ Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Wile E. Coyote and the Martians being in the audience at the bottom of the screen.

Marvin plants the P-38 Space Modulator...then he prepares for the final duel.

Believe it or not, it's deceptively simple to end this once and for all. Stay on the bottom level and shoot at Marvin with the Blaster or the Anti-Matter Gun. Keep shooting after he fires, as you can take out his missiles with your gun as well (either that, or they'll sail over or under you completely). When he flies over you with his jetpack, run under him and shoot at him when he hits the ground. Keep doing this and watch out for his missiles, and he'll go down for the count for good. When the arrows pointing upwards appear, jump up the platforms and into the air when you reach the highest level.

Put down the controller. You've won. Also, they spelled "San Francisco" with three S's in the credits. GOD WUT

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