Sunday, January 21, 2018

ClementJ64 plays Mega Man X5 - Part 7 of 15

Not only does The Great Clement fight off The Skiver and Dynamo (again), he also shows off Mattrex's volcano.

The Skiver

The Skiver map by X GOD, No. 11 & TK31 for the RockMan Memorial Hall.

To beat The Skiver, equip Dark Hold. Shoot your most powerful X-Buster shots or keep smacking him with the Z-Saber. When that runs out, stay in the middle so he doesn't knock you off the edge when he runs into you. Dash and jump to avoid the divebomb attacks (which come in all directions), and dash jump over the tornadoes he makes. If you have a W-Tank, use that to refill the Dark Hold so you can use it on him again.

Beating The Skiver gives you the Wing Spiral for X and the Wing Shredder for Zero. Wing Spiral produces a tornado that grows larger as it moves. Wing Shredder gives Zero the ability to produce a holographic clone that shoots at enemies while he is dashing. You'll get


Dynamo maps by X GOD, No. 11 & TK31 for the RockMan Memorial Hall.

Yes, you'll fight Dynamo again after taking on six Mavericks. He has a new attack: a bunch of lasers out of nowhere coming down. Keep using the Crescent Laser or a fully-charged X-Buster and use a Sub-Tank if you need to. Once you beat him this time, you'll never have to face him again.


Mattrex maps by X GOD, No. 11 & TK31 for the RockMan Memorial Hall.

Be careful as you drop down, as the dragon heads can shoot fire and take off quite a bit of health. Don't touch the lava, or else you'll be vaporized. When you drop down where the lava first appears, go to the left to get a Heart Tank.

If you hide in the areas in the background are black, the lava that rushes out every so often will not be able to hurt you. This involves wall-jumping repeatedly in a corner to get walls decimated by the lava. If you see a low area, you'll have to duck to avoid an instant kill.

There are two different paths in the second area. The first uses the Robot Ride to take you through the lava below, and these Robot Ride armor have the same overhead swipe and dashing stab and exact same controls as the fourth game. Taking this path takes you the arm program for the Gaea Armor, which gives X the short-ranged but powerful Gaea Shot and the ability to break certain bricks while dashing.

The upper path has a robot pterodactyl chasing after you but never quite reaching you. It never catches up to you, so take your time while you avoid the projectiles and destroy the walls to continue on. Attack the pterodactyl's head when it's time to fight this thing.

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