Monday, January 15, 2018

newfiebangaa plays Mega Man V for Game Boy - Part 6 of 9

After fighting the Stardroids, we find out a familiar someone has been running the show...

Jupiter (continued)

To beat Jupiter, equip Bubble Bomb (VE) and avoid Jupiter's downward blasts and four-way shots. He shoots lightning downward, then a four-way shot, and then dives downwards. Stay close but not directly under him. After the lightning stops, get directly under him to avoid the four-way shot. After the four-way shot, move away immediately so he doesn't divebomb you.

Beating Jupiter gives you Electric Shock, which fires an electric blast forward from Mega Man's hands. It goes through shields, too!


Some parts of the stage will have different types of gravity. 0.5g will send you flying upwards like in Jupiter's stage, while 2g will weigh your jumps down considerably. Watch the arrows, too. They're an even better indicator of how your jumps will be affected.

After the first 2g field, use Rush Coil or Rush Jet to go left. You'll find the last gem.

The robot with the swinging tails will drop bombs downwards. They'll also cause the screen to blink brightly, sometimes making it more difficult to see where you're trying to go.

The slinky robots will jump towards you.

The spiked robots on the ceilings will try to drop down on you and even stab at you. Take them out with the Mega Arm.

The short flying robots will fly towards you will fire homing missiles at you. Shoot them both down with the Mega Arm.

To beat Saturn, equip Electric Shock (JU) and fire it at him. He goes down in four hits with it. Jump over him so that you can stay above him but below the ring that he tosses around as he slides back and forth.

Beating Saturn gives you Black Hole, which kills any nearby enemies. You'll also get Rush Jet.

Terra Again

Now that you've beaten all the Stardroid underlings, you'll face Terra again. Since he knows about this, he asks himself how he can face his master now.

Equip Deep Digger (UR) and throw the blocks on the floor at him. Avoid the balls of light that he shoots forward, and stay on the move to avoid the Spark Chaser that he fires off.

Beating Terra gives you Spark Chaser, which homes in on enemies.

Once you beat Terra, you'll find out who the "master" he referred to is: Dr. Wily. Turns out Wily has his own Death Star. Cool.

Space Shooter

You get to control Rush and Mega Man in space! Nice!

Avoid the asteroids. You won't be able to destroy them at all. Avoid the flying robots and shoot them down. Instead of the Meg Arm, you'll get a Mega Buster-style projectile when you fully charge the arm cannon up.

Move up and down to avoid the giant lasers that cover half the screen.

Rush and Mega Man will shrink down to half their usual size, but this is because you're facing the defenses of that huge Death Star. Wait for the mouth to open and fire the laser, then shoot at the mouth before it closes. Avoid the shots that home in on your current position by moving around.

Once you destroy this thing, you'll finally be in.

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