Thursday, January 16, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 3 - Part 3 of 8

We're now halfway done with the Robot Masters. Now it's time for the other half.

Snake Man

The snake heads just spit fireballs in your direction. Avoid the shots, shoot them down and move on.

The bouncing robots make a high jump on the third jump. Use that to just run under them if you need to.

The big snake heads take multiple hits, and the firepower that they spit at you is much bigger. They also have moving body segments, and if one is higher than floor level, you can make a huge jump and get some extra shots on it whenever possible. If you can take the big snakes on from afar, however, you can do much better compared to fighting up close.

The upside-down dome-shaped robots drop a bomb when you're under it. They're really easy to take down, though.

The pole vaulting robots actually vault over you before they get near you. Hit them when they're behind you, as they'll wait for just a second before they charge at you. You can also shoot the poles down, which is something I've never tried to do.

The Energy Cans with the question marks on them can't be picked up, but you can shoot them. They'll contain a random power-up when you do.

The bugs that climb the ladders can be taken down with a mere Proto Buster shot.

The cloud robots are actually bullets. Hit them once to take out the cloud and unleash the bullet, then shoot it again to kill it. You'll be able to avoid it after you shoot the cloud down. It's not very fast.

To beat Snake Man, avoid him as he moves from one side of the room to the other. Sometimes, he'll jump really high in the center and fire the Search Snakes at you. When you know how to jump over him, he's really easy to beat with the Proto Buster, but the Shadow Blade makes it easier to hit him from a diagonal angle.

Beating Snake Man gives you the Search Snake. It works much like Snake Man's version of the weapon.

Spark Man

Jump over the force field generators when they're not zapping a laser to block your path. Make sure they're moving towards you when you jump, or else you will probably land on them and take damage.

The flying plug monsters are easy to take down, but they can shoot sparks in eight directions when given the chance.

The chutes shoot down blocks of metal, which can crush you and cause instant death if you're not careful.

Be careful with the red platforms with the arrow pointing up. They'll rocket you into spikes and instantly kill you if you're not quick!

To get past the forming walls of metal blocks, just walk past them as soon as you see them, being careful not to get hit by the blocks when they fall from the chute in the ceiling.

Take out the flying screws - which return from Top Man's stage - one at a time. They always spawn when reach a narrow but solid platform. Destroy them before continuing.

To beat Spark Man, hit him with the Shadow Blade. Just like the Metal Blade in the second game, you can toss this weapon in eight directions. Just remember that you have a much shorter but still adequate shot range wih it. Spark Man has two attacks that he uses while leaping from one end of the room to the other: shooting sparks in eight directions, followed by throwing one big one at you.

Beating Spark Man gives you Spark Shock. Spark Shot is a electrical ball that fires forward.

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