Thursday, January 30, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Daze Before Christmas (Mega Drive) - Part 2 of 4

It's now time for the second half of the game. Interestingly, there are difference between this version and the Super Nintendo version.

Stage 7: Before The Flood

I didn't even know that they changed the name for this stage until I sat down to re-tool this guide for Mega Drive. Huh. (It was "Flooded Basement" on Super Nintendo.)

There are some new enemies here: mice in scuba gear that move back and forth as well as spiders that move up and down.

Be sure not to move too fast in this area, you never know when you might run into a pit.

Be careful on platforms; some of them will fall under your weight, others move when you get on them, and others still will move in and out of the wall in the background.

There are some guys who are coursing with electricity who move back and forth who hide in some presents. Be ready to zap them when you see them.

As you go through the stage, you'll see the water. When you do, you want to get to the end a little more quickly, as the water will slowly rise. If you get caught in it, you will drown in it if you spend too much time in the drink.

Stage 8: Wood Factory

The music here isn't much different from the Super Nintendo version, though it is a bit slower and more relaxing.

There's another brick wall monster. Fun fact: the Mega Drive version was made first, and the Super Nintendo version was made later. When the Super Nintendo port was made, the brick wall enemy did not come along for the ride.

The hearts are platforms that move up and down. Be sure to be near the center when you land, as you can phase through the corners if you're not careful enough. Also, some red packages explode, as they contain bombs that explode after a short time.

There are some paths you can take for more enemies to kill and more power-ups to take. The worms slowly move back and forth, and conveyor belts nearly stop them cold if they move against them. As a matter of fact, the conveyor belts affect the movement of enemies, not just you.

Watch out for walls with punching bags in them. They can't hurt you, but they do make a return here and they can nearly give you a heart attack if you're not expecting them.

Stage 9: Magic Cave

The little brown guys with the jagged teeth move back and forth.

The army tanks will shoot at you if you are on their level and they are given enough time to do so.

The rocks that seemingly have faces do have faces and will come to life and jump at you if you get too close. Not even Anti-Claus can destroy them, so you're better off running under them when you see the magic that gets them animated.

Watch out for stalagmites that seem to be too bright to mix with the floor. If you run into them, they launch you back quite a bit.

Stage 10: Steel Factory

You'll be doing some precision platform. Again, be sure you are landing dead center on the platforms.

Unlike the Super Nintendo version, there are now brown tanks. They are just like the green ones.

The race cars go back and forth, and they can go pretty fast.

The purple airplanes float in the air, and they can also drop bombs. Be sure to attack them from a distance.

There is an extra life just above the exit.

Stage 11: The Timekeeper

The Timekeeper is a huge sentient clock. Get close enough to get him to jump at you, then jump away and head back to the ramp. From there, either jump on him or use your magic and hit him six times before you die. If he stops rolling back and forth on the ramp, you'll have to approach him so he jumps at you and rolls around on the ramp again. Make sure he doesn't spit any gears on you after the first cycle.

Stage 12: Over Russia

It's another flying level. This time around, you will be avoiding space satellites while dropping presents into the smoking chimneys. Remember that if your reindeer make it to the edge of the screen, you won't be able to move any further in that direction.

Oh, and you'll see the Kremlin as you near the end.

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