Sunday, January 26, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Argos no Juujiken (Rygar) on Sega Mark III - Part 1 of 5

Yep, it's Rygar...but this version didn't show up in the West.

Round 1

Left and Right let you move around, Down lets you duck, Button 1 lets you attack and Button 2 you jump. Holding Up while attacking lets you attack upwards.

From left to right, you'll have your amount of lives and your current score, your current time remaining and the power-ups that you have. You'll score your first extra life at 50,000 points, and you'll earn more at 200,000 and 500,000. You won't get any more after that.

The enemies are pretty simple at this point. You don't have to duck to hit the zombies, but you will have to duck to hit the beasts. Hold Up on the Control Pad to hit the flying beasts that drop enemies.

Every so often, medals pop-up on screen, and if you hit them, you will reveal power-ups. If you hear a clinking sound, you'll known an important one has popped up. The icon that looks like a tiger head allows you to destroy enemies when you jump on them instead of just stunning them. It will be in the third slot of your inventory.

For the first section, just stay on the upper path. When you see the cave wall for the background end when you enter the second section, take the low road. (The spikes don't actually hurt you.) 

The yellow flying enemies will dive at you. Stop and attack upwards when they show up. The brown blob enemies will move up from the low road through the ground into the high road. Take them out up close before they shoot fireballs at you. The yellow ground-based enemies just move forwards.

If you jump on the fireballs leaping in and out of the pits, you can bounce off of them and get to the other side safely.

The power-up for the second inventory slot makes your weapon bigger and more powerful.

The power-up for the fifth inventory slot gives you the ability to twirl your Diskarmor around in a semi-circle if you hold Up while attacking.

The power-up for the first inventory slot doubles your range, allowing you to attack anything on the far end of the screen.

In the third section, you'll be leaping from one platform to another as you traverse a mighty waterfall. The fifth power-up is really useful here.

The light blue gems just give you points.

In the fourth section, you'll be climbing down a rope. Wait for the white chameleons to attack before lining up and hitting them. If you see a yellow demon drop down to the top of the screen and move back and forth, take care of it immediately before it either dives at you or shoots out spiders. If you need to, press Left or Right to dodge the dive attack. The spides won't hit you unless your dodging to the left or right.

The worms will unravel to travel through the ground from the low road onto the high road before rolling back up and moving towards you again. The yellow enemies that are hunched back will dive at you if given the chance, so take them out as soon as possible.

To beat the boss, hit him twice, then back away. Make sure not to get too close, or he will leap out at you. Keep doing this until he dies. Having the first power-up really helps here. If you don't have it, hit once before backing away.

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