Wednesday, January 15, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 3 - Part 1 of 8

You knew it was coming, guys.

Well, we got eight more Robot Masters. What else is new? Oh, forgot. Rush and Proto Man, sliding, and a story that is touched upon in the manual but not in the game itself! Anyway, Dr. Wily has turned over a new leaf, and he and Dr. Light created a giant robot called "Gamma" to maintain world peace. To power Gamma, energy crystal have to be mined, and eight new robots have been created to get these energy crystal. Unfortunately, these eight robots have gone berserk and now Mega Man has to find out what is going on.

Top Man

The two bolts on a screw don't hit you until they're connected. By that point, they'll slowly fly towards you.

The little red frog robots are best taken down from either a lower platform or while they're in the air.

The robot with the top in his chest just stands there and shoots tops out. The tops disappear after a couple of seconds, but you still want to take the guy out as quickly as possible.

Remember those giant blue robot dogs from the second game? Well, now we're dealing with giant orange robot cats. Not only do these things shoot yarn balls at you, but they also sic robot fleas at you! At least the fleas are destructible. Avoid the yarn balls, though.

The spinning platforms actually spin Mega Man around, which makes jumping from one to another a little more difficult than it should be. Thankfully, you aren't shaken around too much, so you can still time your jumps. You just have to think slightly harder.

To beat Top Man, shoot the Hard Knuckle at him from in close and slide to avoid the tops he shoots into the air, as they home in on your current position. When he spins around, jump over him, then hit him again when he stops. This is basically his entire attack pattern in a nutshell, which makes him the easiest boss in the game as well as the easiest to beat with the Proto Buster, so if you don't have the Hard Knuckle, use the Proto Buster.

Beating Top Man gives you the Top Spin. You don't actually shoot tops at people like Top Man does. Instead, you have to be in the air to use it, and doing so lets you spin around in the air like a top. It's a silly weapon, and there doesn't seem to be many uses for it, but at least it makes you a human shield-battering ram combination (I guess) as long as you're airborne.

Magnet Man

The magnet robots that fly around in the air basically draw you in and take you backwards through the stage. You won't run into them, but you have to admit, you can tell that Capcom came a long way from the first Mega Man game from these guys alone.

To slide, just hold Down on the Control Pad and press A.

You'll definitely be needing the slide against Proto Man. Slide over him when he jumps, and shoot him in the back. Avoid his firepower, then slide under him again and repeat until he teleports out of there. Why he's shooting at you, I don't know.

The spring monsters that went across from the floor in the second game are back, and this time they're not only giant-sized and stationary, they also shoot missiles. It's like they evolved or something. The missiles home in on you, but they're slow to turn, so you shouldn't have any problem shooting down the missiles - and the robot - with your regular weapon.

The one-eyed robots with the two legs just amble towards you. They're pretty easy to kill.

The turbines in the wall suck you in when you get close enough. They're harmless now, but a little later in the level, they can prove fatal if you're not careful.

Once you go down that second ladder, those stupid blocks in the wall that come in and out appear again. Yes, they return with a vengeance again. Once again, pattern repetition and recognition come into play. (Hey, that sounded pretty cool.)

You are equipped with Rush Coil at the beginning of the game. Meet Rush, Mega Man's rad red dog companion. He has many functions that you'll see not only in this game, but in other ones as well. Rush Coil lets you jump high into the air whenever you jump onto Rush's back. Just call Rush with the B button, then jump up and prepare to get some major hangtime.

To beat Magnet Man, stay away from him and keep on shooting with the Proto Buster. Run or slide under him when he jumps, and he'll leap over you easily. When he tries to draw you in with his magnetism powers, just keep running away from him. You'll slowly distance yourself away from him. When he jumps up high in the air, stay on the move to avoid the magnets that he fires at you. They'll miss you just like that. If you have Spark Shock, you can use that, too.

Beating Magnet Man will give you the Magnet Missile, which lets you shoot a magnet at enemies and has a basic homing ability.

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