Wednesday, January 22, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Last Battle - Part 1 of 4

All is not well with the world! A great war had devastated the land and a nefarious power had established an empire where the good people were treated like slaves. But there was hope. The mighty Aarzak and his two companions Alyssa and Max banded together to reclaim their homeland.

Using the secret martial art of Jet-Kwon-Do, Aarzak went to battle against The Duke, Master of Tae-Kung Fu. In the end, Aarzak was victorious and peace reigned in the land. However, before the battle was over, Gromm, Gross and Garokk, the three strongest and most evil warriors escaped. For three years the trio schemed and plotted to get back in power.

One day they staged a surprise attack on the capital city. Alyssa was captured and taken to the Land of the Unknown. Aarzak followed the trail of Alyssa's captors to the ultimate savage land, where he prepared to fight the three seemingly invincible foes.

After a fierce battle, Aarzak was able to defeat Gromm. However, in the midst of the fighting, Alyssa was taken by her captors to another location. In his quest to find Alyssa, Aarzak met his brother Gross. Some time ago, Gross lost his memory, and as a result he turned to a life of violence. To say Alyssa, Aarzak was forced to fight his brother. Luckily, good triumphed over evil, and Aarzak was able to restore Gross' memory.

However, there was one last battle yet to be fought. Garokk, the most powerful enemy had to be defeated. There is a secret to defeating Garokk which is contained in the sealed legacy of the creator of Jet-Kwon-Do. After much thought, Aarzak was able to break the seal and learn how to defeat Garokk. Even with this knowledge, the fighting continued for days, yet in the end, Aarzak prevailed and Alyssa was rescued.

And so goes the legend of Aarzak, The Last Hero!.....

Chapter 1

Left and Right let you move left and right, Down lets you duck, A lets you punch, B lets you kick and C lets you jump.

Life is your health. Score shows how many points you've gotten. Power shows how much butt kicking you've been doing, and if you reach a square above the meter, you'll be more powerful for the rest of the chapter. The time shows how much time you have left in the current area.

In the very beginning of the game, the enemies are pretty easy to beat. Use the kick to take care of enemies that get too close, as it is a little faster. By attacking while jumping, you can do a front kick that can take care of the spear men on the roofs. It won't be long until you reach the end and meet with Max.

You'll then be on the world map. If you press Start, you can see your stats. The Control Pad moves the arrow, and pressing C lets you go in the direction you've chosen.

The first place you want to go is the arena to the right of where you start on the map. You'll face a big green guy. Let him come to you, then punch him and move back a bit to avoid getting hit. After two punches, he moves back and tries to dive at you. Duck to avoid the dive, and repeat until you take the man down. Once you take him down, go all the way to the right to exit.

From here, go to the east. You'll face more enemies, Some will leap out from out of nowhere while others will come out of the ground, while others will rush out from the rooftops. Just keep a eye out for anything and you should be okay. If anybody throws something at you, kick the item to deflect it away. You'll meet Gere at the end.

Go back to the arena. From there, go northeast over the mountains. You'll meet Luisa, who tells you that the enemy has begun to move. You'll also increase your defensive power, which allows you to take less damage from enemies. Go back to the arena, then go southwest again. If any spear-carrying soldiers make the low "whoop" sound, duck down and kick them as they attack you. You'll meet Alyssa at the end and you'll increase your strength, which increases your maximum health in the process.

When you get enough power, Aarzak's shirt will explode and he will run around bare-chested. When that happens, you'll be able to multi-punch and multi-kick attacks while standing, and you can smack enemies clear off the screen while doing more damage with your attacks. You'll also have a different jump kick, and you'll be able to punch enemies off roofs instead of kicking them.

Going south is optional, and so is the boss here. To beat the green guy with the balls, hit him with jump kicks. If you see any fireballs, move away. Watch the balls to see where they go. After three kicks in your new powered-up form, you'll beat this guy and he'll explode like nobody's business. You'll also get some of your health back.

From here, head east. Jump kicks will help in getting rid of the guys who will try to throw stuff at you. When you clear this area, go straight north into the labyrinth.

In the labyrinth, crouch kick to keep the rocks away as you head to the right. If you enter the first door you see, you can fight some enemies to get some of your health back (assuming they don't hit you). You'll be kicked out after a little while, so do your best. Keep going right and you'll find another enemy room right next to the one you left. Keep going right afterwards and drop down the hole.

Go to the right. Enter the door that you see as you punch the arrows that come at you and take care of some enemies to get some health back. Jump up the crates at the end and jump to the right to get over the hole. Tread carefully and back away when the knives come down so you can crouch kick them out of the way. Drop down the hole to your right and go left, taking down more daggers as you go. Drop down the hole all the way to the left and go right. You'll see axes come at you from one side before looping around to the other. Go all the way to the right and drop down.

As you go left, watch the spears coming out of the ceiling. Get on the boxes, then jump left from the top box. From here, go left and take care of the axes thrown at you on the way. Jump up the boxes and jump to the left at the top box. Once again, avoid the ceiling spears as you go left. Drop down the hole at the end and go right.

Avoid the flame jets that come out of the wall. They won't hurt you unless you're completely out. When you see a hole in the floor in front of a door, go down it and go left. Inch your way forward to avoid the rocks that drop down from the ceiling. Go left when you see the light on the wall. You'll meet Zee and Bee, who are trapped in a cement block, and save them in exchange for some help. You'll refill your health completely for completing this labyrinth.

Back at the world map, go east. To beat Sid, hit him with jump kicks. Whenever you hit him, back away immediately. If he rears back with a glowing fist, jump away, and jump over his fireball when he shoots it out from a distance. Thankfully, you can move back to block, and you do not take damage when you block. When you get his health all the way down, you'll have to punch him with a standing punch to deal the final blow and kill him. If you're not used to Fist of the North Star - aka Hokuto no Ken - the anime series that this was based on before it was re-badged and re-colored, this detail is going to trip you up. (Black Belt for Master System, which was also originally a Fist of the North Star/Hokuto No Ken game, also did this.) You'll then go to Chapter 2.

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