Wednesday, January 1, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge - Part 5 of 6

Welcome to Dracula's castle. Once you're here, there's no turning back.

Dracula's Castle

Stage 1

The hooded figures with the scythes throw their scythes like boomerangs. If they are standing when they throw their scythes, duck the scythes when they come your way, then jump over them when they return. If they are ducking, jump first, then duck.

When you enter the castle, jump onto the left edge of the left platform so that one of Christopher's feet is on the platform, That way, the nearby bat will not fly around. After that, you'll have to deal some wall spikes as you make your way up.

Near the end, you'll have to wait on top of the wall spikes in order to land on a moving platform below. As long as one of Christopher's feet touches the platform, you're good.

At the rope where you can either go up or down, go down or else you'll be in an endless loop until you go down.

There are several places where you can strike the wall for health-replenishing wall meat, but if your health is full, they will be big hearts instead.

The boss here is a bone dragon that goes in and out of the floor and ceiling segments that don't have bricks. Stand on the brick segments, hit the bone dragon in the head whenever you can and stay away from the far left side of the screen as much as possible. If you get cornered on the left side of the screen, see if you can get around the tail as it goes through the ceilings and floor.

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