Thursday, January 23, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Last Battle - Part 3 of 4

The game isn't getting any easier as we face our brother and try to save Alyssa.

Chapter 3

At the beginning, you'll be on a ship. Soldiers will come out from both sides of the screen, and some will have shotguns and harpoon guns. When you reach the end, run to the right and keep punching to get a few hits in on the captain of the ship. If you can get in front of the man and trap him in the corner, you can just punch him to death before he can do much of anything. When you win, the captain - whose name is Daredevil - agrees to help you get over the sea.

Back on the world map, go northeast. On this smaller ship, there are a few enemies, but that's all. Some of the enemies have fireball guns. Regardless of projectile, jump over low shots and duck under high shots.

Continue to go northeast on the world map. Here,take out the guys spinning their blades with a kick. Use a crouching kick on the guys with the gold staves, and stand still and kick the birds when they dive down.

Back on the world map, go south. You'll meet more of the enemies from the last area. Some will throw projectiles, and you'll want to stand still and kick them (or crouch punch if you're powered-up). You'll want to do it this way, as it works better and there are few healing opportunities in this chapter. When you reach the end, you'll meet Duke, who apologizes for being unable to save Alyssa. Nevertheless, Aarzak is proud of Duke for turning over a new leaf. You'll then increase your maximum HP.

From here, go west. To defeat the guys that jump up and down while slowly moving towards you, just duck down and kick them. You can also hit them with a jump kick, but the crouch kick works better and they're less likely to teleport and re-appear on the other side of the screen. (Plus, I find out the hard way on Chapter 4 that crouching kicks work better, anyway.)

Back on the world map, go south. This place is entirely optional, but if you beat it, you'll increase your defense after meeting Cynara. (You can also get more practice on the teleporting enemies.) From here, head east. To beat the boss here, stop near the bridge and keep performing crouch kicks. If you get hit, use a jump kick or more crouching kicks. The boss can also create a clone of himself that does not have the blue matador's cloth, and that clone can hit you, too. If you get crowded, keep crouch punching at the guy with the cloth. You'll get a little bit of health back when you win.

To the northeast is another city. You'll have to face more enemies and even more birds as you move to the right. When you make it to the other end, head east.

Enter the door at the start and fight enemies to regain some health, then go right and fend off the axes thrown at you. You'll see another door soon. Enter that door and fight more enemies to get more health back, then go right. Watch out for the knives that drop down as you keep an eye out for the arrow coming in from the sides. You'll see another door. Go in and fight more enemies to refill more health. Further to the right is a set of boxes. Jump up and to the left at the top, then drop back down the hole and go to the door you just went through. By going up or down a floor, you "reset" all the rooms with enemies in them and make it so that you can re-enter them and fight enemies to refill your health. You can keep doing this until your health is full, and you'll need full health as there is a boss at the end.

Go up a floor when ou're read and head left. Watch out for daggers dropping from the ceiling as well as ceiling spears as you head to the left, and leap up and left at the top. Go up the boxes, then jump up and right. Go to the left and avoid the floor spears. The first door is empty, but the second door contain enemies and a chance to refill health. Go left after this and jump up and right at the top of the boxes.

Avoid the ceiling spears as you go right, then leap up and left at the boxes. Jump over all the rocks as you head left, then enter the first door you see for more enemies and health. After this, go left, leap up and right at the boxes, and watch out for falling rocks as you go right. If you need to, go down the hole that you see and enter the door to your left for more enemies and health. Even though you'll be going in a loop, this will be yourl last opportunity to get your health back to full.

When you're done, jump over that hole and keep going right while still avoiding boulders. Jump over the next hole that you see, then continue right. When you see the "prison bars" on the wall, keep going right. You'll fight Gromm. To beat him, jump kick him, then keep moving back. If you get cornered, jump over him. If you see him jump, be ready for either a kick or a fireball attack. If you see fire come out of his hands, jump back immediately. Get that last punch in for the coup de grace, and Gromm will come to his senses and you'll complete Chapter 3.

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