Monday, June 19, 2017

Cornshaq plays Mystery Quest - Part 3 of 3

Here's the ending for Mystery Quest. The ending is nowhere near satisfying, in all honestly.

All maps by zagato blackfist.

From Door 1, go right, and follow the path to the spring. Stand near the little wall to the left of it, and look up to use your spread shot. Shoot at the ceiling, and you'll eventually be able to get the Powered Helmet, which lets you break blocks by head-butting them. (This is also important, so go get it.) Use it to break another hole in the ceiling to the left, then grab the key to the left and head down to Door 2.

Head to the right and shoot at walls and make your way to Sign 2 and Door 3. If you need to, shoot the left wall after you enter for a moon to completely refill your Vitality. Then, go right and shoot at the Gargoyle. (Watch out for its firepower, as it will home in on you and follow you around! Thankfully, you can shoot them out of existence.) Get the key it leaves when it dies, then drop down and run to the left to reach Door 4. Head to the right to Door 5. Head right and destroy the Gargoyle to get its key.

Once you defeat the snail after Door 5, get the key, then head down and left to Door 6...but wait. Shoot the wall near the spikes before Door 6. Inside, you'll find the Symbol of Peace, which is the final symbol of the game. From there, go up and left, and enter the second door (Door A). Go up and break the wall to the right to get the key and enter Door A again. Now you can go left and enter Door 7.

Follow the path to Door 8. Jump over the water and enter the next door (Door 9). From there, go up one floor, go all the way to the left and enter Door 10. Use the helmet to bust open a hidden passageway underneath the potted flower, then jump on the awning around the flower and enter Door 11. Jump around on the blocks near the left wall on the floor below you, then pick up the nearby key. From there, go to the left wall, and jump and shoot. You'll be able to get over the wall and head down to the doorway with the stone awning. Now for the ending!


but we got the four symbols and we beat the game whaddya mean i get the bad ending what do you want from me game

Actually, you get the bad ending upon beating the game...the first time. Believe it or not, you have to complete the game not once, not twice, not even three times...but four times in one sitting. The icons for the four symbols are different on the second quest, but that's the only difference as far as I can tell.

After beating the game four times, you get this:


What is this crap.

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