Tuesday, June 27, 2017

HalfBlindGamer plays Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon - Part 1 of 11

Finally... the Phillips CD-i.

Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Gannon. The King takes the Triforce of Courage to protect him. If he doesn't come back in a month, Link has to find him. All of a sudden, Link disappears as well. It's up to Zelda and Impa now as we start off one of the three games in the unholy trinity of Zelda CD-I games.

There are three places on the map that you can choose at the beginning of the game: Aru Ainu (northwest corner), Kobitan (northeast corner) and Sakado (south of Kobitan).


To fight enemies, simply stab at them with your sword. Unlike other games in the Zelda series, you have to stab the Rupees with your sword in order to collect them. Red ones are worth one, green are worth five and blue are worth twenty (meaning that they got the red and green ones confused here).

The shield can deflect hits and protect you, but good luck getting it to work while standing up. Unless you're crouching, it doesn't seem to want to do its job.

You can jump in this game, but as you're going to find out, Link's Awakening does a much better job at the whole jumping thing.

The enemies here aren't too bad. Besides the Arpagos that move in one direction, you'll also have some Dairas who will throw axes at you. You can deflect the axes with your sword.

The first house is the shop. Lamp oil is worth five Rupees, rope is worth ten and bombs are worth twenty. If you press the attack button on the glowing Triforce symbol to the left of the lamp oil (which you'll find in all of the areas), you'll go back to the map screen.

The second house is dark, but will come into play later on.

The third house is locked.

The fourth house contains a woman. To talk to NPC, go up to them and press the attack button. In the first of many strangely animated cutscenes involving NPCs, she'll give you a cloak tell you to bring some fairy dust so she can make it a magic cloak.


To go up the hills, simply jump up to them. To go down them, simply walk around and you'll eventually find out where the "platforms" end. Watch out for the Moblins and their spears.

The house on the right is locked, but the one on the left is not. Use the duck walk (hold down-left or down-right on the Control Pad) to duck under the spears thrown by the Moblin kneeling on the floor. Once you beat him, it'll be easy to get the Lantern.

There is a house above the two we've just explored. Go in there and use the Lantern by bringing up the inventory and using it. This is very strange to do, as you have to hold Down on the Control Pad and press another button in order to open it. Remember that you need Lamp Oil in order to use the Lantern.

When you use the Lantern, the darkened house will be fully lit. Take out the Vire while avoiding its projectiles, then use a rope and climb up and get the key. Go down and enter the locked house. The woman inside will tell you that she'd do anything for an Arpagos egg after the Moblins have stolen everything from her. From here, you can go up the stairs and return to the map screen.

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