Friday, June 1, 2018

HCBailly plays Terranigma - Part 32 of 75

We finally reach Storkolm...and find out that there's more things that remind us of home than just Princess Elle.

Loire and Storkolm maps by Amir Azadur.


The ghosts with the fire in their hands will shoot fire at you that will travel in a circle as it moves forward.

When you move north on the next screen, Ark will have the feeling that he is being followed. When you get the prompt asking if Ark is scared, say he isn't. From there, head west as east leads to a dead end. Go north a bit and then head east, then either avoid or fight off the enemies that pop out of the water (you'll be seeing them more often from this point, they should be able to go down in one hit if you're powerful enough) and get the Dog Whistle in the chest at the end of the path. Go back to the previous screen, go north and follow the path from there. At the fork, go south...but before you can go there, you'll hear a scream from behind. Go straight north and fight off the bats. You'll meet Meilin again. She'll tell you that she's following you because she's bored, and knows you're going to Storkolm. She'll follow you. From there, go south for real this time to go to the next part of the path. If you go to the east on the next screen, you'll find Magirock #45.

From there, go west, then go north. Go all the way to the north from here to find Magirock #46. Then go west and take the exit there. Go west until you can't anymore, then head south. Head east from there to find a M.Bulb, then head all the south and go west from there. You'll find Magirock #47 in the dead end here. Go back north, then head to the center and go west from there. You'll come across a bridge that leads to Storkolm. Watch out for the enemies!


You'll reach the town of Storkolm...which looks just like Crysta in the underworld, much to Ark's surprise. As Meilin tries to pick your brain, a bunch of wolves show up. If you don't have the Dog Whistle at this point and try to get away, the wolves will tear you apart. If you do, congratulations! Go equip it and use it to get rid of the wolves. The whistle will drive them away. 

Elle's house will look just like the Elder's back home. Go to where the Elder's room is to find the Portrait, which is a portrait of Princess Elle's family. Meilin will tell you that she can make her mother and father "appear" in front of Elle and maybe just cheer her up. But will it work?

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