Sunday, June 17, 2018

HCBailly plays Terranigma - Part 62 of 75

We head further into Dr. Beruga's lab...

Dr. Beruga's Lab map by xyzbilliu.

Dr. Beruga's Lab

At the next level, you'll see giant cubes moving back and forth. The dashing attack does the most damage.

When you enter the bottom level, jump onto the conveyor belt and take the left teleporter. To the south is a treasure chest that contains a DEF Potion. Go back to the teleporter and take the other one. There is one just southeast of the one you came out of; take it.

Follow the path and you'll come across multiple conveyor belts, and take the teleporter at the end. Go north and you'll come across a computer. You won't be able to do anything on it, and Yomi will show up to tell you that the password is in place to shield the data, and will tell you to input "BLOODY MARY." Use the computer again, and Ark will put the password in. This will disengage the elevators and cold sleep device, which basically wakes up Dr. Beruga. After putting in the password, however, Ark will wonder why Yomi would know the password in the first place.

You'll connect to the database, and you have access to two section: Past History and Lab. In Past History, you can learn about the dawn of humankind, cold sleep and Earth's last day. The last one is pretty important, as you'll learn how the world pretty much died: a deadly airborne virus known as Asmodeus struck and decimated the human race. Some were saved by Dr. Beruga's work, but the survivors starved to death.

In the Lab section, you can learn about the lab's objective, vaccines and the facilities. You'll learn that the lab is around for research and development of groundbreaking technology, and robots are exclusively used due to the work being highly hazardous. You'll learn that a vaccine for Asmodeus was created in the lab to stop the plague, and was mostly successful. However, it was only available to a select few.

As for the facilities, you'll learn that the first floor is the robot assembly plant and the basement floors are the bio-lab. There are other basement floors, but they are under construction.

From the computer, jump back into the teleporter to enter it, then head back to the elevator. Take it down, and you'll go all the way to the 99th basement floor. You'll then take on a giant security mech with a chaingun and a hammer.

Take out the boss's three feet first. When the boss jumps into the air, keep running. When it lands, you'll be able to avoid the missiles. From there, you want to stay in front of the center of the robot, and use your dashing attack to destroy all three of the robot's feet. Staying to the left will subject you to a whiplash attack, and staying on the right will subject you to shock waves that travel diagonally. You'll be dealing with these attacks every so often, so stay close to the center of the robot and be ready to make your move when you can.

When you beat the boss, you'll finally enter the 99th basement floor. If you look around before you go north, you'll find some tubes with green liquids containing people who look much like the zombies in Louran. Something sinister is afoot.

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