Tuesday, June 5, 2018

HCBailly plays Terranigma - Part 41 of 75

We finally take on Bloody Mary - one of the hardest bosses in the game - and rescue Columbus.

Sylvain Castle by xyzbiliu. Litz town map by Amir Azadur.

Sylvain Castle

It's time to finally head back to the portraits. When you do, the jewels will move into their rightful places. When that happens, you'll see a cutscene of chains being pulled down. A chandelier will come down and hit the floor. When you get back to gameplay, you'll find a hole in the floor. Go down it.

You'll then face what looks like four girls in pink dresses. Here, stand still and strike the one behind you when they come to a stop. If you need to, face the south wall and strike the one to the north when they all stop to ensure you get past that battle.

From there, go to the upper-right corner. When you talk to the guy there, you'll enter another room. You'll play a game of Simon Says. Do as the girl there says, and when you finally get to her, strike her. You'll be teleported to another room. It's boss time.

You'll fight against Bloody Mary. Stay away from here and use ElecRings until she falls. Hope you brought nine of them, or you're going to have a hard time. It is recommended that you be Level 23 for this battle.

Once you take down Bloody Mary, you'll finally be back near the man you tried to talk to. This is Columbus, and he has been tortured by the queen. When he asks why you rescued him, pick the first option. Columbus will then tell Ark why he was being tortured: because the three Sylvain Princes died on his voyage, but he feels he took the torture to atone for his own sins, even though he feels he cannot tell you the real reason. He says that royalty are all the same, much like Loire's King Henri and Sylvain's Queen. He plans to reveal his secret when the real hero shows up.

He says that when he discovered the new continent, he was convinced that everyone isn't that different, and he intends to spread his knowledge of navigation. He heads back to Litz, and you automatically head back there with him.

When you head back to Litz, you'll be at the hospital. He will have taught all the sailors at the port his navigation techniques, so you should be able to travel to the Americas. He then goes to sleep.


Go back to the girl at the counter at the hospital. When she asks if you want fever medicine, say yes. You'll get the Fever Medicine, which Emilio has now completed. If you talk to Emilio, he'll tell you that Columbus is totally exhausted and that he will be resting here for a while.

If you haven't done it yet, get the maximum amount of bulbs and Pretty Flowers before you go to the new continent.

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