Sunday, June 17, 2018

HCBailly plays Terranigma - Part 63 of 75

"It's me, Ark! It's me, Ark! It was ME all along, Ark!"

Aw, son of a bitch.

World Map by Tropicon. Lhasa map by Amir Azadur.

When you go north to the final room, you'll see Dr. Beruga come out of cold storage. Beruga thanks you for waking him up, and said he went into cold sleep when the world died and waited until then asks you to follow him. You'll see the tubes with the zombies in them, and Beruga will tell you he created them.

This is what he means by ending death. He's literally creating a zombie world.

Look at any of the zombies. Ark will notice that the zombie is sad, and asks if this is really a good idea as the world would fill up immediately if people didn't die. Beruga will say he's taken this into account and declares that only the unnecessary shall die and only the necessary shall live.

Ark charges at Beurga, but Beruga summons some orbs and fires at him. Beurga mentions the Three Laws of Robotics, but says the robots here have one more law governing them: anyone deemed a threat to Beruga must be immediately terminated.

Beruga then says his liege shall soon re-emerge from the underworld, as his liege is the world and knows all its truths. He then decides to witness the world on the verge of "great progress."

In Neotokio, a yellow fog encompasses the city. Everyone flashes weird colors, then disappears. This is Asmodeus wiping out everyone in the town.

You then go to a black screen with Ark. The Elder tells Ark that he has done well to groom the world, and that Beruga will make the world fantastic. He tells Ark his duty is finished and that he shall rest eternally. The liege is the Elder of Crysta. We've been played the fool all along. Ark wonders what he fought for all this time, and wonders if he was really shaping a world like Beruga wanted, and doesn't want to die without knowing.

A voice comes from out of nowhere and says that Ark will not die here, and explains that Ark exists outside the loop of fate, allowing him to change destiny. The voice teleports Ark to its source.


You'll wake up in Lhasa. Meihou will be nearby, and tell you he arrived just as Lord Kumari brought you back. He tells you the star of darkness hsa re-emerged and erased a city from the world without effort. He tells you to ask Lord Kumari to show you the way before the "dark star" consumes the rest of the world.

Head to Lord Kumari's chamber. He'll tell you what Beruga has done, says that Beruga has disrupted the loop of fate by ending death, tells you an old saying: "Starstones laid at the grave at time's end calls the golden child." Meihou journeyed around the world trying to figure out what this meant, but only got fleeting glimpses of the truth: human fate is a fixed loop, and what one seeks is not always found. Kumari then tells Ark is different as he exists outside the loop of fate. He tells you to seek out the Starstones and place them at the grave at time's end in order to realign the disrupted loop of fate.

From here, go to any town and head to the Fortune Teller in the town and talk to her. She tells you that what you seek are in a dream, sand, ice, mountain and ruins.

Head to the Sahara Desert in Western Africa. Head to a point that takes you to a desert. Nearby is a skeleton. Interact with it, and Yomi tells you to look at the skeleton's neck. It's the stone Leim found in the canyon, and Ark wonders why it's here. Yomi says that a human probably stole it from a lion's den. This is the first Starstone.

Your next stop is South America. Head to the stopover near the mountains to the south and tell the bird to give you a ride. This will take you to Greenland, and the stopover bird is the only way to get into Greenland as rocks line the entire perimeter of the land.

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