Monday, June 4, 2018

HCBailly plays Terranigma - Part 38 of 75

We head down to Spain and Portugal for new adventures.

World map by Tropicon. Litz port and town maps by Amiz Azadur. Sylvain Castle map by xyzbiliu.

On the western coast is the port of Litz, in Portugal.


There are ships here, but there's one problem: nobody has the navigation skills to get to another continent. A Spanish ship has set sail, but it hasn't come back yet. You won't be able to do anything...yet.

To the north is the town of Litz itself.

The building right at the entrance is a hospital. Dr. Emilio, the town doctor, wishes there was better medicine so that he could save more lives. If you enter the rooms to the north, you'll see a child who has gotten a fever, as well as Dr. Emilio himself, who is studying medicine for infectious diseases and also does socialized medicine. You'll also learn from one of the people that Dr. Emilio is worried about a friend of his named Columbus, who has gone missing.

If you talk to Dr. Emilio a couple of times you'll learn he's trying to find a cure for the fever, and that Columbus got a fever-curing herb on a journey. Only thing is, Columbus has yet to return. He recently discovered a new continent, then reported it to the Queen of Spain and hasn't been seen since.

Talking around in town will bring up info about the nearby Sylvain Castle, where the Queen of Spain ruled. But when her three sons died on a ship, she went insane. You'll also learn that an evil spirit descended on the nearby castle of Sylvain and doomed the nearby country of Spain. You'll also learn that sardines are the town's specialty.

To the left of the hospital is the Crafts building. The man in the building has been asked to make something for the church, but he can't get his hands on a rare mineral.

To the left of that building is Keinz. He'll tell you there is no local industry here, and at least one key industry is needed, or else there will be no growth. The town can only be expanded once, but it won't be until near the end of the game.

To the left of Keinz is a house where a man is trying to keep sardines from rotting quickly in transit and wants to preserve them for a long time.

To the left of the sardines guy is the church. The guy walking around near the church tells you about the Quatros. If you go into the Church, you'll find out that the Church wasn't even censored, and that Jesus on the cross is there. If the game ever came out in America, this whole area would be guaranteed censored.

The chest in the upper-left corner of town contains a Luck Potion. Next to the Luck Potion chest is another sailor who will tell you about a portrait in Sylvain Castle in Spain which supposedly has precious jewels in the place of eyes. This portrait attracted many thieves, none of whom have returned.

The upper-right corner of town is the Merchant's shop and the Inn. At the Merchant's, you can buy L.Bulbs. This can be very useful. At the Inn, you'll meet Roy again. He asks if you've seen Princess Elle around, and that she disappeared after King Henri was killed. Another guy in the building tells you about Columbus, and the guy next to Roy tells you about about a ghastly killing light coming from the nearby castle.

You can actually consume the foods on the south side of the table. If you want to use the room here, just talk to the guy in front of the door, pay the 10 Gems, and then use the save book and rest if you wish.

To the east, surrounded by mountains, is Sylvain Castle.

Sylvain Castle

Hope you're at least level 19. Otherwise, you're gonna have a hard time.

The water in the fountain is acidic. If you try to jump in, Yomi will stop you.

Go straight north into the entrance. Equip the SlvrPike and use the dashing attack to destroy the armored guards here.

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