Tuesday, September 16, 2014

DaveTheUsher plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game - Part 4 of 8

In this episode, we find out there's a secret factory even though the game tells us nothing about it. wut

Scene 4

Let's get to that secret factory!!

Wait, there's a secret factory?

Anyway, the soldiers with sledgehammers make a return appearance here, and you still get to see some new ones. The first of the new arrivals are the Foot Clan soldiers with spears. Instead of stabbing you with them, they toss them at you, which makes them a real pain in the ass.

Every once in a while, you'll see Foot Clan soldiers riding a hot rod. Stay out of the car's away unless you want to get run over.

Roadkill Rodney makes another appearance here. Just like before, trap him in a corner and wail away at him.

There are now bomb-throwing Foot Clan soldiers. They carry an airplane bomb over their heads and throw it at you. Too bad they have only one in their possession. From there, just treat them like normal soldiers after they miss.

You'll have to time your jump kicks correctly to take down the soldiers on motorcycles. Pop a wheelie! Immediately after that first salvo, you'll have to be on your guard for another hot rod, this time with a motorcycle cordon.

Once you make it to the purple tires at the end and take out all the Foot Clan soldiers there, you'll be taking on Foot Clan soldiers in miniature helicopters while riding across the freeway on a rocket-powered skateboard. You'll want to stay behind them and getting back behind them after jump kicking one, so you don't get hit by either the aircraft fire or the bombs. The explosions from the bombs can also hurt.

You'll also be dealing with both machine gun and boomerang soldiers on rocket-powered skateboards of their own. Criss-cross them with jump kicks, and watch out for the projectiles.

When you make it to the end, you'll be sent over the side barrier. Where are we going now, I wonder?

Scene 5

C'mon let's bust this joint!!

Well, the Turtlemobile is a total wreck. Even worse, the Mousers got Splinter. Stupid Mousers...

Speaking of the Mousers, they make a return appearance at the beginning. Corner 'em.

You'll have a choice to either take the low road and risk getting beaned by lasers or take the high road and stand on higher ground where it's easier to take out the machine gun soldiers. Take the high road.

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