Thursday, September 18, 2014

DaveTheUsher plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game - Part 6 of 8

In this episode, we fight a robot Shogun and enter the Technodrome in an attempt to find something that we've already entered the inside of! Joy!

Scene 6

Let's defeat the enemy's ninja magic!!

After a while, tigers start coming out of the artwork in the rice-paper walls. Corner them, then let them jump away from you and come at you from the other side. Line up with it and keep hitting it, then corner it again so it jumps away from you. Repeat. Whatever you do, do not let them pounce you. You can hit them out of that pounce if you time your attack right.

After the two tigers come the scorpions. These things can be trapped in the corner more or less like the Roadkill Rodneys or the snowman robots. The only attack they have is the laser they fire out of their tails, but that's pretty much the only threat they pose to you.

The boss here is some sort of Shogun with a zanbatou. His head spins around and flies into you, and its body can still home in on you and attack. Whack the guy, then move away so the head doesn't hit you. After a while, the head will rest on the body again for a little while before the head-spinning starts anew.

When you beat the Shogun, you'll find out it was a robot after all. Typical. You'll then head to the Technodrome.

Scene 7

We gotta find the Technodrome!!

But we just found it...and we just entered it...

Oh, lord. You have pipes that freeze you into a big block of ice which pop up right out of the floor as well as more lasers. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

When you make it to the end, you'll be on an elevator. Have fun avoiding all of the giant balls, which return with a vengeance after failing to run you over and kill you in Scene 1.

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