Thursday, September 25, 2014

TheUtilityMan plays Felix The Cat - Part 2 of 4

For the record, TheUtilityMan plows through this game in the same way I'd do it. Of course, there's a few unintended (and preventable) deaths down the line, but it's still enjoyable.

Level 2-3

Even though there is some at the beginning of the level in Level 2-1, it should be noted that the lava where the skulls pop out of (similarly to Podaboos, I might add) should not be jumped into.

At the end of the stage, you'll fight Rock Bottom. He's pretty easy to fight as well. Just hit him and avoid the bullets he shoots out of his gun. That's it, really.

After the second boss, you'll get another call from the Professor where he taunts you. Well...

Level 3-1

The Tank is best for this level, since you can attack some of those egg creatures (or whatever it is those white things are supposed to be) from a higher distance.

Overall, the game is still pretty easy.

Level 3-2

Watch out with those snails. They'll jump up and down whenever they keep landing in those bottomless pits. Also, you may remember the cannons from Level 2-1. They're back with a vengeance, and they're a little harder to avoid since you're not in a floating level.

You may be better off with the Motorbike instead of the Tank, since you'll be able to attack straight in front of you, at least.

3:39 - That death hurt just looking at it.

Level 3-3

We're flying again!

We finally get to see the Airplane in action. For once, attacking in a straight line is a bona-fide privilege, and the energy ball attack you get with it is really good.

There are a lot of walls here. You're better off staying at the lower half of the level, if only to avoid the cannons. At least you'll find a magic bag portal in that half.

The boss here is Master Cylinder. Move around so that whenever he fires his laser, he'll automatically miss. Just stay in close and keep moving up and down and you'll take him out with no problems.

Level 4-1

This is far from a tropical vacation, Felix.

The birds take a few steps before stopping to jump. This can be annoying at times, since there's the chance of them jumping right into you when you're trying to avoid them.

Level 4-2

Our first surface swimming level. If you collect a magic heart, your robot will change into a dolphin, and you'll able to throw energy balls.

It should also be noted that if you make it a certain distance through the level before you die, you won't have to repeat very much.

Level 4-3

Welcome to the swimming levels. Here, you start out with a snorkel and a punch glove. If you upgrade your magic, you can get a bubble-spitting turtle before you can finally upgrade to a submarine!

The boss here is Gulpo. He's just like Master Cylinder, except he has two attacks instead of one. The first is the bubbles. Thankfully, they're easy to avoid. The other is the word "BLOB!" traveling towards you twice as fast as the bubbles. He always shoots two bubbles before shooting a BLOB!. The more you hit him, the faster his attacks come. Thankfully, you can fight him the exact same you did Master Cylinder and get away with it.

When you complete World 4, you'll be taunted by the Professor. Again.

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