Tuesday, May 20, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays 5 Days a Stranger - Part 7 of 10

Well, we find some stuff and end up trapped in a toolshed. Fun.

Anyway, head downstairs and into the kitchen. Turns out there's supposed to be a staircase on the left wall, but it's been bricked over. Time to use the pickaxe on that wall and break a hole. Use the hand on the hole and you'll find a dungeon. Use the eye on the chains in the wall, then look at the salty bear again. It'll point southwest, so walk in that direction until the bear points straight down when you look at it. When that happens, use the hand on the area in the floor and you'll dig up a skeleton. It's Matthew, and Trilby finds another corpse next to it. Turns out this is Sir Roderick, meaning that both of them were killed by somebody.

Trilby then hears a smashing noise. Head back to the room with the fireplace and you'll find out that the glass dome with the idol has been smashed. Use the hand on it and Trilby will check it out only to find some stains.

Day Four

You'll see a screen where Phil is stabbed and the supposedly dead man in the welder mask gets back up only to be smacked in the back of the head with a lead pipe by Simone. Then Trilby will wake up in the shed.

There's no way out. Speak into the window, and Simone will tell you that you killed Phil. Turns out as soon as Trilby grabbed the idol, he blacked out and was possessed by the ghost. You'll figure that out as you ask Simone questions.

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