Monday, December 18, 2023

KuuImpact plays Superman (NES) - Part 1 of 17

This is not meant to be a complete set of notes, nor does it show everything off. This did, however, get me in the right direction concerning this game. When I play through this myself (which I will eventually do), I'll show off a lot more.

If you don't do anything at the game's title screen, you'll get the Statue of Liberty telling Superman that Metropolis will become the base for the evil General Zod before telling him that he is the reporter Clark Kent and that he will fight for truth and justice. 

Level One

When you start the game, you'll be at the Daily Planet as Clark Kent. You'll have gauges for your super power (health) and item power (abilities) at the top, with the X-Ray vision being usable at the start of the game. Pressing Start lets you select your power. You can jump really high with Up, and you can also punch and talk to people with A.

The bald guy to the right is the copy chief, and he tells you to go out and get some news as there is a deadline. To the right of him is Lois Lane, who well tell you that strange things are happening in Metro Park and that you can access the map with the Select button to see where it is. The shield icon indicates where you are. You can only use the map while outside; you cannot use it inside of a building or a sewer. Orange dots are landmarks, while black dots are regular locations.

The guy to the left is Jimmy Olsen, who just takes a picture of you.

Head all the way to the left and go through the door with Down on the D-Pad, then head right and press Down in front of the phone to enter it and become Superman. As Superman, you can move faster and you can also use your superpowers.

By beating up enemies, you can get blue crystals that restore your health. There are also red and green ones, but those decrease your health and should not be picked up. If your health gets too low, you'll change back to Clark Kent. You'll have to refill your health with blue crystals to become Superman watch out for those bullets!

You'll need to beat up enemies to get power-ups. The Roman numerals I and II are Super Breath I and Super Breath II, respectively, and the first one lets you extinguish fires while the second one lets you freeze enemies solid. By picking these symbols up, you can refill the energy gauges for these powers. The eye icon is the Super Vision, which allows you to see ghosts. The Up Arrow icon is Super Flight, which allows you to fly and acts as the fast travel of the game. The Down Arrow icon is Super Spin, which lets you drill into the ground in specific areas. Finally, the V icon is the heat vision, which lets you shoot heat lasers out of your eyes to do damage, especially to bosses.

Heading to the right takes you to a building where you can fight some guys. If you beat up the skinny guy who is jumping around, he will beg Zaora to save him before dying. Beat up all the enemies here to get more energy for Super Breath II.

The next screen to the right has guys in gray who can slide at you in addition to firing bullets. If you enter the nearby building, you can find an area where you can switch between Clark Kent and Superman.

The next screen to the right has more of the green bald-headed guys that you can fight. Going further to the right leads to a woman who tells you that you can get to the next street using the underpass. If you enter the building here, you'll be able to fight some gray-suited goons. Further to the right who will ask you if you have any news. To the right still is a guy who says he knows nothing. Next to him is a subway entrance, and to the right of that is another guy asking what you are doing. Past him is a phone booth. 

If you press A in front of a red sign at a building, you'll find out what the name of that building is. You can also read street signs this way as well. 

Further to the right is a blue building and another blue building. Inside the blue building is some more enemies you can fight, but not much else. Amazingly, the Superman theme plays here. Past the phone booth to the right is another screen is a building with a bunch of awnings. Past that is another building where calls for help can be heard and seen. Go inside that building and beat up the guys inside to get more energy for Super Breath II.

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