Sunday, April 29, 2018

HCBailly plays Secret of Evermore - Part 2 of 31

Now that we've beaten the Raptors, it's time to check out the village.

All maps by Grizzly.

Fire Eyes' Village

Once you're in the village, you'll be able to save your game at the inn (in the northeast corner of the village), and also look through the houses and open whatever pots and gourds you can find. Open them all, you'll need what's in them. Also, check the fire pits for Ash.

If you take control of The Dog and talk to people, they'll react differently than they would with the kid. This is pretty interesting, and in some cases it's a bit helpful.

There is an opening into another area to the west, but don't take anything over there. You'll see why later.

There's a store a bit to the left of the inn. You'll be able to find some items that you need here. Just remember that you can only carry six of any specific item.

Further northwest is the armor seller. The armor here is very weak - it's all made of grass - but it's still better than the armor you have right now. Which is nothing. Hey, at least you have an excuse to farm experience and talons a little later on.

The hut just south of the inn will be the first place in the game that sells alchemy ingredients. Don't worry about that just yet. For now, just take the stuff that's in the gourds inside and head back out.

The hut in the center of the village is Fire Eyes' residence. You'll find out that she is Professor Ruffleburg's niece, Elizabeth, as well as the project that has everyone involved - and you - stranded in what appears to be an alternate world.

Fire Eyes's Hut

Fire Eyes will give you Flash before you leave to fulfill your first mission: find Strong Heart in the Bugmuck, east of the village. Equip it before you leave.

1 Wax, 2 Oil

This is a purely offensive spell that lets you do some more damage than you usually could at this point. The alchemy ingredients store will now be able to sell you ingredients for this and future spells...provided you have enough Talons, of course.

Fire Eyes's Village

Before you go, talk to the guy in the house near the armory. He'll give you a free Grass Vest.

Village Exit to Bugmuck

You'll meet a new enemy here: the Skelesnails. These things will try to leap towards you and hide in their shells on the way down for their tackles to have maximum impact.

Use this area to power up the Flash spell, get experience for both characters, and get money. You'll still run out Skelesnails eventually, but at least you'll have some money to recharge at the Inn when necessary, get armor for both characters and maybe...just maybe...get a good stockpile for Flash.

Quicksand Field

One of the holes takes you to the cave that is separated from the rest of the level. If you go in and buy an item, you'll get the Jaguar Tooth, which allows you to run by holding the A button. It also comes with a nifty royal purple pouch, which lets you carry other Charms as well as Trading Items (those won't come into play until much later).

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