Tuesday, November 29, 2016

FreezingInfernos plays Battletoads - Part 2 of 6

Oh, great. The Turbo Tunnel. Say goodbye to what made the game cool in the first two levels, because at this point the game becomes pure hell!

Level 3 - Turbo Tunnel

First things first: you probably figured this out already, but double-tapping Left or Right on the Control Pad lets you run in that direction. You'll need to do this to ensure that you clear the pits between platforms here.

You'll take on some rats. As you attack them, you'll knock them into the ground. Literally. At this point, just keep attacking them as they're half buried before they shake themselves back out. Your Battletoad will keep punting them in the head until...IT'S GOOD! On the smaller platforms, kick them with your back facing the edges, as that final kick can send you sailing off the edge and towards an unnecessary and unforgiving death.

The Space Invaders steal your health. Literally. Nope, not just figuratively. Literally. Yes, literally. They literally fly up to your health bar and steal the filled in squares that indicate your hit points. Attack them and pick the squares up by touching them to get them back. There are also two flies you can eat right after this, just in case.

Get on the bike. When you see pink walls flashing, it will indicate where they're about to appear in mere seconds...or if you're going fast, mere instances. You do not want to fly towards where the wall is or else you will crash, burn and immediately lose a life. Dodge them. You can jump over them, but it's not recommended.

The two short walls together must be jumped over. No exceptions.

The ride gets faster and faster, and the only way to slow down is to hit the tape between the checkpoints. When you hit them, you go all the way down to a near-dead stop and slowly build speed up again.

The short wall that slopes upward is a ramp. Most of these you'll want to take, as they are the only way you can clear these amazingly long pits.

If a wall or set of short walls is blue instead of pink, it's in the air. The fact that there is a shadow below it really helps. When you see the blue walls or any wall with a shadow, do not jump towards it. You will die.

Of course, there is also a blue ramp that you will need to take as well. They just have to throw in the blue ramps almost immediately.

The squirrels riding on bullets drop walls when they reach the other end of the screen. Watch where they are, as they're a better clue of where the walls they drop will be than the walls themselves. The walls are rather short, and you can jump over them.

After some more air walls (and air ramps) you'll see some enemy ships. Just jump over them. They're easy to avoid.

You'll then deal with some short platforms that you'll have to jump to and from. Just stay the course and press A near the edge, especially as soon as you land.

The part after this, however, is the most unkindest cut of all. You have to dodge all the walls in your path by bobbing up and down with the D-Pad. There are 20 walls in this set, and after this is just so easy to jump over walls followed by the end checkpoint.

You may have noticed that there is some sort of yellow sparkle in front of the 10th wall in that last speedy section. If you run headfirst into that wall, you'll go through the sparkle and trigger a warp to Level 5. (You'll learn about all the warps eventually, so don't worry.)

Oh, and the longer you last, the more points you can get from the bike section. Expect to farm a lot of points just from normal gameplay.

Level 4 - Arctic Caverns

Great. Hell just froze over.

If you ever see a random set of white sparkles come out like a firework, you just hit a checkpoint. You'll return to that spot if you die.

This is what happens when you finally make your way through the Turbo Tunnel and live to tell about it.

The spinning ice cubes are absolutely necessary for this stage, as they are the only way to break through the barriers that block your path. These things can hurt you, so you'll want to outrun them and stay out of their way afterwards. If you can jump over it, do so.

To beat the snowmen, stand near a pile of snowballs and avoid their projectiles, then throw a snowball at them with the B button. It takes one snowball to destroy them, thankfully.

You'll then reach a set of slopes. Wait at the end of each one so you can avoid the frosty boulders that come down and proceed to the next slope. At the end you'll reach a snowman. This time, you'll have to use your physical attacks to smash him into a pile of snowballs (which he turns into regardless of how you do away with him). Use the snowballs to break the barrier.

Jump over the spiked turtle shell. That's all you can do.

Run down the slopes and get to the bottom before the ice cube does. Jump over the post, then wait for the snowman to destroy the barrier in front of you with his snowballs.

At this point, everything takes two hits off of your life bar. Prepare to die quicker deaths this early in the game.

You'll also start seeing spikes that look like fuschia-colored sea urchins. Touching them results in instant death. Take the platform over the ice spikes. Thankfully, it's not slippery. Duck to avoid the random snowball.

To avoid the icicle, you'll want to go left as soon as you clear the spikes. This way, the icicle can't even touch you. You'll want to tap the A button just right so you don't get stabbed in the head, too.

The two snowmen following this have patterns. The first one throws them all low, first one snowball, then two, then repeats. Use this pattern to get close to him and smash him to a pulp. For the second, it's a high ball followed by a low ball. Dodge accordingly at every post and smash him when he stops throwing. Use the snowballs from the second snowman to break the barrier.

Go down the slopes and avoid the spinning ice blocks. Get on the platforms. Duck under the stalactite. Jump to grab the 1-Up on the second platform. Continue on. After dodging three spiked shells, an ice cube will come your way but slow down. Pick it up with the B button. Go left and throw it at the barrier and get on the post so a spiked shell doesn't smack into you.

Continue on by lightly jumping left and then continuing down the slope. Be quick on that slope so you can avoid the boulder. Jump over the spike pit while near the edge, and jump over the snowman. Get on the platform, duck under the stalactite, jump to the barrier and stay there. Wait for the snowballs from the snowman to destroy the barrier as you avoid them at the same time. Duck under the first three snowballs. Jump over the fourth.

Continue to the left after getting on the platform. Avoid the spiked shell, and never stand under the yellow barriers that go up when the shell bumps into them, as they come back down almost immediately and result in instant death. You'll be doing this twice. Get on the platform at the top of this part and jump over the spikes to the right. You're done.

NOW ENJOY A DEATH MONTAGE! Apparently the ice cubes have a mind of their own.

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