Sunday, November 27, 2016

dannydoesvideos - Danny, Dean and Jon play Guardians of the Hood - Part 3 of 4

Just one more gang to take on...

Beat the Dragons (Wave 6)

Yes, because we have to take out some Asian people. It's a beat-'em-up. Come on.

Sue Lee and Li are your typical martial artist enemies, with Sue Lee wearing a dress that I swear comes close to making it look like you can see"down there" and Li...well...let's say he looks as '80s as anything as all get out.

This wave is just more or less of the same. Irregular gameplay that forces you to experiment to figure out which button combinations do what, a really high learning curve and a complete lack of variety in enemies. You can give them whatever different fighting styles you want, they all do the same cheap crap.

You'll eventually go into a bar in the Chinatown district of Central City, and after taking out some more enemies, you'll face Kwan. Yep, the same guy who blew up that store at the beginning of the wave. Taking him out will make him a playable character. Kwan is pretty awesome, as one of his regular attacks has him using a knife in addition to his martial arts. That's pretty awesome.

This is probably the worst part of the game. If there is any one point where the lack of time on the timer is going to make it a nightmare to beat the whole boss section in one go, this is it. The difficulty just makes that a near-impossibility unless you're play with at least one other person.

You'll go to the gym one last time before the final level. At least we don't have to see it anymore.

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