Thursday, November 10, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Bomberman '93 - Part 6 of 7

Of course we're going to have an ice world...

World 6: Icicle Planet

His jump attack will detonate your bombs. I'm assuming you'll have to use this against him somehow.


The teleporters are just like the ones in Inferno, except they're pink.

The indestructible walls are now more maze-like compared to the areas you've previously been to. 

Enemy roll call! Yellow circle guy with funny face and high speed that avoids your bombs! Seals walking on their fins! Evil red bombermen dressed like eskimos that try to slide into you! Blue slimes with feet!

The blue seals can go through the destroyable ice blocks. The gray ones cannot.

Despite being an ice world, there are no ice physics here, so don't worry about sliding around.


The yellow guys will sometimes be encased in ice. Destroy the ice blocks to free them, then bomb the yellow guys to get rid of them.

The blue guys that look like the yellow guys are less likely to turn corners than their yellow counterparts.

The lines of green and yellow rectangles on the floor are conveyor belts. Pay attention to where any of the four colors go to see which direction the belt goes.

Once again, the purple Bombermen with the shovels are just for decoration.


The yetis can also go through destructible ice blocks. Be very careful with these guys, as they do a really good job of tracking you for a monster that has no eyes. I'm guessing it's their sense of smell.

The green penguins will jump over your explosions. You'll have to time it so that another explosion hits them after they land and before they start moving again. Unless you have remote detonation, this is painfully difficult.


Remember the wheels from Planet Wither? Well, they're back, they're blue and they're just as annoying as ever. Once again, two hits are needed to take them out.

The ice crystals will fire ice projectiles at you.


Nothing new here.


The vest gives you temporary invincibility from bomb blasts.


Well, there's nothing new here, either, so consider this another "putting it all together" stages.


Wait until Grumpus move towards you on his flying disc, then hit the red core on the disc with an explosion from one of your bombs as he is standing in place, as the core will not be spinning around.

Grumpus summons mini-Yetis to move around the board after two hits. They take two hits to kill, which makes them frustrating considering there's four of them and they have free reign to move into any space that isn't a wall.

After two more hits, the flying disc turns gold. One more and he's done.

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