Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dilandau3000 plays King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella - Part 13 of 17

"Fun fact I forgot to mention in the video: all of the epitaphs, except for the ones for the ghosts, are real epitaphs, and even the ghosts' were adapted from real epitaphs."

Thank you, Sven.

All maps by Dan_.

Tamir (Night)

Haunted Mansion

An interesting thing about night in Tamir: you can actually look around where people in this island live and see them doing other things. Some of them actually sleep, however.

Go to the haunted mansion. If you check the time, you'll see it's after 9 PM, as night falls at nine o'clock at night. Now that it's nighttime, you'll be noticing "activity" in the house. You'll hear a baby crying upstairs. Head back to the baby's room, and you'll see the crib rocking back and forth. There's a clue on one of the tombstones to the west of the mansion:

To the ever living memory of Hiram Bennet,
baby son of Edward and Sarah Bennet,
who by sudden-surprize fell asleep,
the 11th day of November, 1553
Aged 6 months.

Since you have a shovel, dig at the baby's grave, and you'll find a silver rattle. Keep in mind that you can only use the shovel a few times before it finally breaks, so be sure to save before you use it. Return to the baby's room and place the rattle in the crib. The baby's ghost will find peace, but then you'll hear the rattling of chains and loud moaning downstairs. Return to the foyer and you'll see the ghost of an old miser.

There's another grave for this guy, who happens to be a reference to Ichabod Crane of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. This grave is also on the west side of the house.


Here lies Newberry Will,
His life was finished 'cause he took ill,
But none will miss him, he should've been wiser,
'Tis his own fault, for bein' such a miser.

Dig near this grave to find a bag of gold coins. Since you have the scarab, these graveyard fetch quests are actually doable.

Go back into the house, go into another room, and you'll hear the miser's ghost again. Go back to the foyer and hand him the coins when he's close enough to you, and he'll disappear.

You'll then hear weeping from upstairs. Go to the right-hand room on the upstairs room and you'll eventually see a woman on a rocking chair. This is a reference to a tombstone which is on the east side of the cemetery:

Betty Cowden
1650 to 1669

Here lieth the body of Betty Cowden
Who would live longer but she coulden;
Sorrow and grief made her decay
When she lost her lover at sea one day.

Dig near this grave to find a locket, then take the locket back to the woman's ghost. 

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