Thursday, April 28, 2016

DarkChaosRenamon plays Bucky O'Hare (Arcade) - Part 1 of 14

Konami may have made this little-known comic book into a well-known NES game, but did you know that there was also an arcade game for it as well? Yes, it exists, and Konami is also behind it!

This time around, you can not only play as Bucky O'Hare and Deadeye Duck, but also Jenny the Aldeberan Cat and AFC Blinky.

Anyway, Komplex and the evil Toad Empire are out to take over the galaxy with their feared Climate Changer! Bucky O'Hare, as always, is the galaxy's last hope!

Stage 1

Planet Warren

The voices are actually from the voice actors from the short-lived cartoon series, which explains why they're really good.

Unlike other beat-em-ups, you use your gun as your main attack, and you'll only use hand-to-hand combat when you're in close.

The doors that show up and disappear throughout the game are Willy Duwitt's high-tech closet door. These will give you gun power-ups which will increase the power of your shot or bombs that give you more chances to destroy everything onscreen when you need to.

Pressing Jump and Attack allows you to perform stronger attacks. These are actually different from the regular gunshot and are actually different depending on which character you're playing as. They also all act wildly differently, too, as they all deal multiple hits but cover different ranges and patterns. Bucky's stronger attack is a grenade that deals multiple hits but covers a very short range with its explosion.

When you press the jump button in mid-air, you'll be able to slow your descent down. This technically lets you hover. When you press Jump and Attack at the same time while you're in the air, you'll do a downward kick attack that throws you forward and into enemies for a big hit (it looks somewhat like the TMNT attack, except better).

The enemies here aren't that hard. As a matter of fact, they just stand there and shoot at you, and they're pretty bad at it, too. They'll take only one or two hits to kill. Some throw bombs, but the bombs don't explode until they stop moving.

When the ship lands in front of you, you'll take down all the enemy forces before facing the first boss of the game, Al Negator.

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