Tuesday, April 12, 2016

PrinceWatercress plays TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan - Part 3 of 4

Since Stage 3 was so short, you're getting a two-fer for this one.

Stage 3

This time around, you'll be walking along the tops of trucks. Most of the enemies will be Foot Can soldiers, and some of them will come out of boxes and throw the lids at you! You can knock the lids back at the enemies with your weapon, though.

The boss here is Baxter Stockman in his fly form. Avoid him and the three-way shots that he fires, and hit him as he flies to the other side. Nothing to it.

The Foot Clan are fleeing through the river now!

Stage 4

You'll not only be dealing with Foot Clan soldiers, but also turtle-eating fish!

At the beginning, you can jump on the logs to get through the beginning faster, but you'll eventually have to dive into the water. Watch out for the orb that moves around the logs near the end. They move straight towards you after dropping down, but they can be destroyed with one hit.

The fish aren't really that bad. They just move towards you like most of the enemies. Walking around is slightly slower in water, but your jump is the same. You'll eventually be jumping from one log to another again.

The second section is a cave. Take out the Foot Clan soldiers as well as the spiked balls that fly around. The Mousers will leap out of the ground, and some of them will do it from behind, so pay attention.

The boss here is Shredder, which is weird because he's usually the final boss in the scheme of things in a TMNT game. The trick to doing this is to jump over him and keep whacking him from behind, and don't let him face you if he's close to you as he will slash at you with that sword.

Next stop: the Technodrome!

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