Monday, April 11, 2016

PrinceWatercress plays TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan - Part 2 of 4

It's time to find some more bonus stages and fight Bebop as we chase after the Foot Clan!

Stage 2

Some parts of the floor are columns that move up and down, taking you to the top of the screen. I'm amazed that they don't crush you. Unfortunately, there are some columns on the ceiling that get to the other side quickly.

You can attack the enemies through the walls by ducking before you attack. By holding Down, you'll be able to throw a ninja star.

There is a bonus stage just to the left of the second ceiling column. Just jump all the way up to the ceiling at the left side of the column, and you'll automatically access it. For this one, I play a target practice game. Move the target sight with the Control Pad and press A to shoot. An extra life awaits you if you hit all the targets.

There is another one that you can get after beating up the Foot Clan ninja with the Pizza pick-up. To the left of the nearby column, you can jump straight up for another bonus area.

The third bonus game is a game of "Poison." The rules are simple, take as many stars as you want, but leave one behind. If you're forced to take the last one, you lose. If Krang is forced to take the last one, you'll win and get your health refilled.

In the second section, you'll see a new enemy: fireballs that move up and down in an attempt to block your path. Luckily, you can kill them just all the other enemies you've seen so far.

You may see a box with a pizza on it flying around. Attack it, and you can grab the pizza it leaves behind.

The boss here is Bebop. He's a little more difficult to take on than Rocksteady. He'll try to ram into you and shoot you with his gun. Jump over him as he runs around, then hit him. Jump away when he punches at you. If he gets to the side of the screen, jump over the shots he fires, and be prepared to whack him when he starts moving again.

The Foot Clan will get away on cars, but that's apparently not a problem for the Turtles, as you'll find out next time.

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