Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dilandau3000 plays King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella - Part 11 of 17

Time to get that golden hen.

All maps by Dan.

Tamir (Day)

Road to Lolette's Castle/Outside

Let's head back to the house near the evil trees. If you see the ogre or the ogress, switch between screens until neither of them show up. When that happens, open the door. KNOCKING ON THE DOOR WILL CAUSE YOU TO DIE.

A bulldog may appear. When that happens, throw the bone to the dog and he'll stop chasing you. From here, you can do basically anything. Don't enter the open doorway to the right, though, as the ogress will see you and it will basically be instant death as she can chase after you between screens.

Go upstairs and grab the axe. Then go back downstairs and check out the closet. There's nothing in here, but the game mentions the keyhole of the door. You can look inside the keyhole to see if anything is happening. When you get the message that says that you can hear the ogre in the house, look through the keyhole. You'll be able to spy on him. He'll eat the deer, then he'll get the hen to lay an egg on command. (Kinda hilarious how the hen just nonchalantly turns around and lays a golden egg at the same time.) The ogre will then fall asleep.

Leave the closet and get the hen when it gets close to you, then open the front door to get out. The hen will wake the ogre, but if you leave the house and get away from it, you'll be free of the ogre. Mission accomplished.

Bring the hen back to Lolotte. She'll give you one more task: bring her Pandora's Box. (Lolotte wants the purest form of evil. Go figure.)

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