Wednesday, April 19, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time - Part 26 of 48

In this entry, we defeat Miss Decibel once and for all, then it's on to the present day where we face Cyril de Paradox himself.

All Rolled Up

You'll need to play as Sly to get this job started.

At the beginning of this, I show off all of the remaining abilities as well as Carmelita's guns and super jump, as well as the Ultimate Murray and Ultimate Carmelita costumes.

When you get to the job marker, the scene is set for the ultimate confrontation with Miss Decibel, who has been forging some documents in order to give Cyril de Paradox a fake royal family history that will make him an esteemed member of royalty in the present day and also untouchable. In order to stop him, we will have to go through the security door that we saw very early in Episode 5 and divert the guards in order to not get spotted. In order to divert the guards, Carmelita will have to wear a belly dancer's outfit and distract them. 

Once you find the door you're supposed to enter, Carmelita will distract the guards by belly dancing. Not surprisingly, this leads to rhythm-based button pressing mini-game, and when the game tells you to shake, shake the controller. As you progress through the game, more and more of the gang will try to open the door. Eventually, you'll get it open, and everyone will make their way inside...except Salim, who says that he has passed his greatest wisdom onto Sly and that someone needs to watch after Carmelita once they get inside. 

Once inside, the gang finds Cyril de Paradox's underground docking station and blimp. In order to distract the guard, Bentley busts out the RC car, which is now disguised as a mouse with the leftover materials from what became Carmelita's belly dancing outfit. Use the compass (and L3) to find out where to go, and when you run into the guards, use the compass (and L3) to get to the next area. As long as you keep moving and don't stop, the guards will never hit the RC car.

Once you're through the door, drive through the path while avoiding lasers and shooting down the scorpions. If you shoot down any bottles, you'll get coins out of them. Don't forget to boost with L1 to get past some of the laser traps. At the end, you'll break into the control room, where you'll have to play another game of Spark Chaser in order to hack through the other laser barrier. Murray and Sly will go through only for the security fail-safe to kick in, and the two of them will have to fight a gauntlet of enemies. As Murray, stomp the enemies and throw them into the laser beams that are creating the gas barrier that is blocking the path.

Cyril de Paradox will show up on his blimp, as will Miss Decibel, who is carrying a beaten-down Salim. Cyril will mention that he already has Salim's cane. Before Miss Decibel can get aboard the ship, Cyril leaves without her. From here, approach Miss Decibel, and you'll finally fight her.

For the first phase, slow time with the Thief Costume to get across the platforms, then jump over the shockwave. When Miss Decibel is down to one knee, run up to her and smack her around with the Square button. From here, you'll have to follow her to the next platform by running on the purple energy chords while jumping over the balls of energy.

For the second phase, run around the room to avoid the musical blast, then jump over the shockwave and smack Miss Decibel around again when she is down to one knee. From here, you'll need to slash the chains with the sword on the Thief Costume to break the chains, but before breaking the second chain, you'll find a place to spire jump to that has Sly Mask #52.

For the third phase, you'll have to get across the glass platforms with time slowed down again. When you reach Miss Decibel, she will perform the same attacks from the second phase, but she will also look up and shoot three homing projectiles. You'll need to run around the platform in order to avoid them, but if you slow down time, you can get more of a lead and outrun them further. When Miss Decibel stomps to create the shockwave, jump over the shockwave and smack Miss Decibel around. After this, it's more energy chord running before taking on the fourth phase.

For the fourth phase, Miss Decibel will stomp after you. Run away from the note blasts in a circle like you always have, then switch to the Thief Costume and slow down time when she stomps around so you can more easily jump over the shockwave. From here, you can smack her around. Once you smack Miss Decibel around, you'll want to go to one of the satellites at the edge of the arena and wait for her to charge at you. You'll want to get out of the way before you get hit so she hits the satellite and destroys it instead. If you slow down time with the Thief Costume, this part is easier. From here, Miss Decibel will continue to perform attacks from past phases - same strategies apply - but you'll want to look for the triple bounce so you can jump over the shockwave and smack her around before tricking her into charging into one of the satellites. Once the three satellites are destroyed, Miss Decibel is defeated, and Cyril de Paradox tosses her to the side before revealing that he has Carmelita as a hostage before travelling through time to the present day.

In the present day, Cyril de Paradox's influence has already covered Paris. Bentley digs up some information on Cyril and finds out that he is from a long line of thieves much like Sly, and that Cyril de Paradox wants revenge on Sly because Sly's father put his father in jail as his father tried to steal the world's largest diamond - which became Sly's father's claim to fame - before Sly's father could do it. It is also revealed that Cyril himself was a failed thief who wound up in prison, received a real criminal education, and became a law-abiding citizen on the surface while also forming his own crime syndicate through his prison contacts while masquerading as a billionaire art collector and smuggling fine art. Not surprisingly, he blamed the Cooper family for his own and his own family's past misfortunes, and wanted to wipe out the Cooper family name much like Clockwerk did. It's up to the gang to rescue Carmelita and beat Cyril de Paradox at his own game.


Silent Sprint (Sly): Makes it so that enemies can no longer hear you when you run with R1.

Air Smash (Sly): This is the diving cane attack from the previous games. Press Triangle while in mid-air to perform the downward spinning cane attack.

Mega Stomp (Murray): Allows you to stomp an enemy and pick them up from anywhere, not just from behind.

El Drop'o a lo Macho (Murray): Press Square in mid-air for an elbow drop with some area-of-effect damage.

Homing Darts (Bentley): Fires heat-seeking darts regardless of which type of dart is equipped.

Meter Recharger (Bentley): Recharges Bentley's Gadget Meter in the blink of an eye.

Adrenaline Burst Plus (Bentley): A faster version of the Adrenaline Burst move.

Moving Pickpocket (Bentley): Allows Bentley to move while pickpocketing enemies, much like with Sly.

Super Jump (Carmelita): Allows Carmelita to perform her signature high-reaching super jump by holding R2 and pressing X. Why the game makes you unlock it near the end of the game, I have no idea. Also, holding a button and pressing another to do this? C'mon, game.


Hero Tech: When you get 50 Sly Masks, you can change the wrench into Ratchet's Wrench from the Ratchet and Clank series in the Unlockables menu. If you defeat an enemy with it, you'll get this trophy. (Also, the coins will turn into gears, springs and bolts.)

PayDay: Buy every ability in ThiefNet.

Hubba Hubba: Complete the belly-dancing mini-game without missing a button press.

Home Sick: Defeat Miss Decibel.


Sly Mask #52: After the second phase of the Miss Decibel battle, there is a spire jump point off to the side near the second chain that has a Sly Mask.


Left analog stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera
X: Jump and double jump (hold X on second jump for hover jets as Bentley)
Square: attack
  • interact (usually with anything that has sparkles) (Sly)
  • steal from enemies (from behind) (Sly, Bentley, any of Sly's ancestors)
  • knock enemies upwards (from behind; press Square to slam enemies down for stealth slam) (Sly, any of Sly's ancestors)
    • press Circle after knocking enemy upward to perform Silent Obliteration (Sly; replaces Stealth Slam; must buy on ThiefNet)
    • press Square for Stealth Slam (any of Sly's ancestors)
  • spin attack (hold to charge) (Sly)
  • throw bombs (Bentley)
  • Thunder Flop (in mid-air) (Murray)
  • spin attack (hold to perform) (Murray)
    • control with left stick (must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Raging Inferno Flop (in air; Murray; must be bought on ThiefNet)

  • bomb aim (Bentley)
  • smoke bomb/flash bomb (Sly; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • aim/strafe mode (Carmelita; must hold button down)
    • left analog stick: move
    • R1: shoot (can only shoot in strafe mode)
  • hold for costume select menu (Sly)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for weapon select menu (Bentley)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for fist select menu (Murray)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for shot select menu (Carmelita)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection

L3: activate compass
R1: run (hold while moving to perform)
  • Paraglide (Sly; in air; must buy on ThiefNet)
    • Square: Paraglide Dive Attack (during Paraglide; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Adrenaline Burst (Bentley; double tap to activate; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Clothesline (Murray; double tap and steer with left stick; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Cane Push (Sly; double tap; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Trigger Bomb (Bentley; must have bomb on field to detonate manually; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Fast Climb (Salim; must be on rope, hold to perform)
  • Super Jump (Carmelita; hold and press X to perform; must buy on ThiefNet)
R3: Binocucom
  • Right analog stick: move
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out
  • R1: take picture (when applicable) (Sly, Bentley)

Start: pause menu
Select: map
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out, switch between map and status
  • Right analog stick: move map
  • Circle: back

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