Thursday, April 20, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time - Part 27 of 48

In this entry, we finish the main game once and for all and finally stop Cyril de Paradox. Next stop: post-game activities!

Paris Epilogue

Deja Vu All Over Again!

You'll need to play as Sly to get this job started.

The mission starts with Sly sneaking into Cyril de Paradox's blimp and finding Carmelita. When you approach her, however, Sly is trapped alongside Carmelita by Cyril. Meanwhile, Bentley has all of Sly's ancestors - Rioichi, Tennessee Kid, Bob, Sir Galleth and Salim - gathered together to get their canes and return them back to their proper eras in order to repair the damage Cyril has done. 

First up is Rioichi. You'll need to use the Focus Jump on the blue lights, but watch out for the poisonous gas. Once you get the cane, you'll play as Murray and help Rioichi beat up the rat guards. From there, you'll need to get Bob's cane as Rioichi. In one corner behind some boxes and near a bottomless pit, you'll find a Sly Mask (see below). Once you get that Sly Mask, use the Focus Jump and remember that there are poisonous gas pipes on every other blue light. Once you pick up Bob's cane, Rioichi will be shifted back to Feudal Japan.

From here, Bob will have to get Salim's cane, and to do that, you'll be climbing the ice walls one more time. Watch for the icy blasts that are coming out of the pipes, as they will freeze you and send you back. Once you get Salim's cane, Bob heads back to the prehistoric era.

After this, it's fight time with Murray against the rats. Once you finish off the rats, Salim will have to pull off one last heist to get Sir Galleth's cane. You'll need to use the fast climb once the blasts from the pipes stop firing off, and remember that all the pipes fire in sequence. Once you get Sir Galleth's cane, Salim goes back to Arabia.

Sir Galleth will have to get Tennessee Kid Cooper's cane. This time around, you'll need to use the Catapult Crash to break fuses in order to deactivate the laser traps and continue through his section. Also, there are more poison gas pipes. Once you get Tennessee Kid's cane, Sir Galleth goes back to the medieval times, then Murray will have to fight more rats.

Tennessee Kid will have to use his gun in order to shoot down some targets to make some progress before the chutes on the floor drop down and send him down into the abyss below, On the first pole, jump left for a Sly Mask (see below), then use Crackshot to shoot the wall switches and stop the spinning platforms. Quickly make your way across the platforms before they start spinning again, then be ready for a game of Simon Says. The lights will turn on in a specific pattern, and you'll need to hit the targets in the same order as the lights in order to continue. The first door has three lights, the second door has four and the third door has five. You'll have to get past all three doors in 45 seconds, or else you're starting over.

You'll finally make it to Cyril de Paradox, who plans to send the capsule containing both Sly and Carmelita into a time tunnel that Penelope also managed to make for Cyril and have the two of them drifting endlessly through time for all eternity now that his plan to get rid of the Cooper family line has fallen through. Bentley, Murray and Tennessee Kid show up just in time, with Tennessee Kid shattering the capsule with his gun to free Sly and Carmelita in the process before being taken back by the time stream to the Old West.

In a last-ditch attempt to stop Sly and Carmelita, Cyril inadvertently triggers the time tunnel, and Sly heads off to stop Cyril once and for all while everyone else escapes the blimp. From here, you'll have to spire jump to Cyril until you catch up to him, and when you do, it's QTE time. Press the buttons that the game tells you to press, and if a button moves up and down, that is your cue to press it repeatedly. If you mess up at any point, you'll be starting over again and again until you get it right.  As you do this three times, you'll get to do some damage to Cyril as you go from the blimp to the timestream itself to the top of the burning blimp. Before the third phase, you'll have to some rail sliding and jumping to avoid getting burnt and to catch up with Cyril.

Once you finish off Cyril, Cyril will beg for mercy, and Sly helps him up. Cyril repays Sly by stealing his backpack and paragliding off the blimp only to get hit by a plane, leaving Sly with no way of escaping. (You read this right. Sanzaru sets up a cliffhanger ending that may never be resolved by making Sly look like a complete idiot.) Bentley and Murray look for Sly afterwards, but find no trace of him. Meanwhile, Cyril de Paradox is found and gets locked up by Interpol, and the Thievius Raccoonus is restored, but Sly has yet to come back. In the meantime, Murray becomes a professional wrestler, while Carmelita is as busy as ever at Interpol while also looking into Sly Cooper's disappearance. As for Bentley, he is still looking for Sly and has no idea where - or when - Sly is, but he is sure that Sly will be found.

With that, the game ends, the credits roll, and we get a look at what happened to not only Dimitri and all of Sly's ancestors, but also all the villains after the game: all of them are still in prison, but Penelope has broken out of the most secure prison in Europe and is sending "wish you were here" postcards to Bentley while Miss Decibel is also locked up but looking at the possibility of parole for good behavior. 


Final Chapter?: Beat the game.


Sly Mask #53 - There is another hidden Sly Mask behind these boxes. Jump over the pit in the floor to reach it.

Sly Mask #54 - On the first pole in the Tennessee Kid Cooper section, jump left for a Sly Mask.


Left analog stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera
X: Jump and double jump (hold X on second jump for hover jets as Bentley)
X + Circle: climb wall (Bob)
  • left analog stick: climb
  • Left/Right + X: leap over gaps
  • R1: slide down
Square: attack
  • interact (usually with anything that has sparkles) (Sly)
  • steal from enemies (from behind) (Sly, Bentley, any of Sly's ancestors)
  • knock enemies upwards (from behind; press Square to slam enemies down for stealth slam) (Sly, any of Sly's ancestors)
    • press Circle after knocking enemy upward to perform Silent Obliteration (Sly; replaces Stealth Slam; must buy on ThiefNet)
    • press Square for Stealth Slam (any of Sly's ancestors)
  • spin attack (hold to charge) (Sly)
  • charge attack (Sir Galleth)
  • throw bombs (Bentley)
  • Thunder Flop (in mid-air) (Murray)
  • spin attack (hold to perform) (Murray)
    • control with left stick (must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Raging Inferno Flop (in air; Murray; must be bought on ThiefNet)

  • bomb aim (Bentley)
  • smoke bomb/flash bomb (Sly; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • aim/strafe mode (Carmelita; must hold button down)
    • left analog stick: move
    • R1: shoot (can only shoot in strafe mode)
  • hold for costume select menu (Sly)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for weapon select menu (Bentley)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for fist select menu (Murray)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for shot select menu (Carmelita)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection

L3: activate compass
R1: run (hold while moving to perform)
  • Paraglide (Sly; in air; must buy on ThiefNet)
    • Square: Paraglide Dive Attack (during Paraglide; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Adrenaline Burst (Bentley; double tap to activate; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Clothesline (Murray; double tap and steer with left stick; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Cane Push (Sly; double tap; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Trigger Bomb (Bentley; must have bomb on field to detonate manually; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Focus Jump (Rioichi; hold and press X to perform Focus Jump when arrow appears while standing on spire)
  • Crackshot technique (Tennessee Kid; hold button to draw gun and focus, release button to fire)
    • right stick: aim
  • guttural roar (Bob)
  • Catapult Crash (Sir Galleth; hold to charge)
    • X: press while holding R2 to perform Catapult Crash
    • Triangle: press while holding R2 to disconnect from hook
  • Fast Climb (Salim; must be on rope, hold to perform)
  • Super Jump (Carmelita; hold and press X to perform; must buy on ThiefNet)
R3: Binocucom
  • Right analog stick: move
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out
  • R1: take picture (when applicable) (Sly, Bentley)

Start: pause menu
Select: map
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out, switch between map and status
  • Right analog stick: move map
  • Circle: back

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