Sunday, April 9, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time - Part 16 of 48

In this entry, we crush The Grizz's artistic dreams once and for all before heading to medieval England.

Duty Calls

You'll need to play as Sly to get this job started.

For this one, you'll have to tail The Grizz until Bentley can get the code to his fortress off of his phone. Thankfully, The Grizz has been tagged with the homing darts, and all you have to do is follow him and the signal.

From here, you'll want to keep a good distance away from The Grizz as he moves around. For the best results, keep to the high ground. As he moves around, you'll find out that he is talking to Cyril de Paradox - who he apparently despises - and that he needs the eggs to produce paint for his prehistoric art. Also, The Grizz will keep losing signal, which is weird, because how he gets a cellphone signal in the Ice Age is never explained.

Eventually, The Grizz will start running when he gets close to his fortress. You'll need to run with him in order to stay on him, but you'll still want to keep your distance so you don't get spotted. The Grizz will eventually lose his signal completely and throw his phone to the ground, destroying it and ruining Bentley's chance at getting the security code for the fortress. As the fortress gates close, Carmelita shows up and tells Sly that she has the security codes and full schematics for The Grizz's mountain base for Bentley.

After this, you'll get a cutscene. Carmelita, having taken a few days to cool off, has come to the conclusion that she never changed Sly even though she thought she did, and that they both fight for justice on the opposite side of the law, as she only chased after Sly after the fact. However, she has a tough time living with that, having always known Sly as some horrible hardened criminal when that was furthest from the truth. Nevertheless, she realizes that they both have a common enemy in Cyril de Paradox. At this point, Carmelita is back on the team.

Operation: Jurassic Thievery

Once again, you'll have to play as Sly to get this started.

It's time to stop The Grizz once and for all. Bentley will target the egg vats, while Bob will have to pry some pressure valves open. Murray will have to get to the master control panel so nobody can reset the system as well as take care of any guards that get in the way. After this, The Grizz's paint production plant will be disabled, and everyone can go after The Grizz.

Make your way to the fortress, then interact with the console to open the gates. The gang splis up in parties of two, then you'll play as Bentley. Time your jumps with the hover jets carefully so you don't lose health, and take out any guards that you see as stealthily as possible. Pay attention and look around for areas that you will need to throw bombs at so you don't accidentally blow yourself up and cost yourself progress.

Watch out with the platforms on the geysers. Wait for them to come down and come to a full stop before getting on, then wait for them to go as far up as they can in order to see where you need to go next. Be careful with the spinning blades that you'll have to land on, as they go pretty fast.

Eventually, you'll have to take a nest elevator upwards to continue on. After this, you'll need to plant some bombs on one of the emu enemies and get it to the other emu before detonating the bombs. This will distract the mammoth guard, allowing you to move on. You can also detonate the bombs when the emu is near the mammoth, then take out the other emu. Either way, you'll get the job done.

You'll need to use your regular darts on the spinning blades of the egg vat. Just look at the targets, zoom in and fire the darts to get rid of them. This opens up a bridge that lets you continue on. There will be a mammoth guard in front of a terminal; blow him up and get ready to play another Spark Chaser mini-game with motion controls.

Once you complete the mini-game, you'll have to deal with some piston-like platforms. Wait for each platform to tilt back up before standing on it. You'll then have your second egg vat. Once again, shoot at the targets indicated with the dart icon with darts to blow up the vat. Just watch out for the flaming pendulum that is moving back and forth.

You'll then play as Bob. You'll need to jump across spike pits and avoid jets of fire to get to the pressure valve. When you make it to a pressure valve, interact with it with Circle and rotate it by rotating the right stick clockwise. At the second pressure valve, go all the way down and to the right for a Sly Mask (see below).

After the third valve, Murray saves Bob from a fiery fate, but he falls onto another egg platform, which leaves the resetting of the master control system to Sly. You'll need to jump from platform to platform with the Sabertooth costume, pull levers, hand off of hooks and paraglide  to get to the control system. In the geyser section, there is a platform off to the side; you'll need to go there for another Sly Mask (see below).

Once you make it to the master control system, take out the mammoth guard to get everyone to the other side. As for Murray, he runs right into The Grizz and decides to fight him while everyone else watches. Despite being big on his own art, he is tired of everything, and all he ever really wanted to do...was ice skate. Wait, what?

This leads to a boss battle between Murray and The Grizz. Run around in a circle on the ice and make sure The Grizz does not run into you when he says "Here comes The Grizz!" If he creates an energy ring, jump over it or else you will be frozen. If he creates three, double jump. If he does a belly flop, jump to the side.

When The Grizz jumps in the air and spins before slamming the ground, he will create a rock wall around himself. You'll need to find the ice cubes in the walls and punch them enough times so they slide into him while avoiding his freeze rings, and you'll need to send them all into him before the rock wall shakes and crumbles. If it shakes and crumbles, you'll have to do this whole part over.

After the circular wall, you'll have to do some button pressing similarly to when Murray was dressed as a geisha in feudal Japan. Watch the buttons for The Grizz's combination, then press the same buttons as the bar passes over them on the bottom of the prompt. Sometimes the buttons will be replaced with a yellow circle with a black question mark over it, and you'll need to remember the buttons for The Grizz's sequence to press the right button when you reach those yellow circles.

Eventually, The Grizz will go down after you get three successful button combinations. Keep punching him with Square to get some health out of him and to do some damage to his health bar, then you'll enter the second phase. It's mostly the same as the first, but you'll also have to jump over spinning ice cubes. If The Grizz stomps, watch the ice floor for white circular icons so you don't get hit by icicles. 

When you get the circular rock wall the second time, you'll get more ice cubes. Stand between two of the ice cubes at a time and punch between them to send them both at The Grizz at the same time; otherwise, you'll run out of time and you'll have to do this phase all over again. This time, you'll have to deal with the freeze rings as well as the icicles from Grizz's stomping. Once you send all the ice cubes at him, it's more button sequence remembering and then more punching before it's time for the third phase.

For the third phase, The Grizz will sometimes do the "Here comes The Grizz!" dive multiple times in a row, and his far-range belly flop will freeze you. As for the rock wall, you'll have groups of three ice cubes with a gap between them. You'll need to punch two of them at a time before sending the third at The Grizz, and you'll need to do this before the rock wall shakes and crumbles. This can be a little tough to do, due to the icicles and freeze rings that The Grizz shoots out and the amount of space that the ice cubes command on the wall, but punching out two ice cubes at a time really helps. 

After this, it's more button sequence recognition followed by one more opportunity to punch The Grizz's lights out. After that, Murray throws The Grizz into an ice wall that doubles as a window and reunites with the gang. 

After this, Carmelita rejoins the gang, this time more willingly, then Bentley is able to re-connect with Dimitri and find out that medieval England is the next destination, with The Grizz's crown as a means of opening a gateway. There, the gang finds out that Sir Galleth Cooper, founder of The Cooper Order, is being forced to work as a festival jester by Paradox's goons.


Run While Charging (Sly): Allows Sly to run with the left stick while charging up his charge attack.

Flash Bomb (Sly): Throws a flash bomb that blinds enemies. Replaces the Smoke Bomb.


Bearcicle: Beat The Grizz in Episode 3.


Sly Mask #31 - In "Operation: Jurassic Thievery," go all the way down and to the right at the second pressure valve to get a Sly Mask.

Sly Mask #32 - In "Operation: Jurassic Thievery," go to the platform to the side of the geysers you'll need to paraglide across with Sly to find another Sly Mask.


Left analog stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera
X: Jump and double jump (hold X on second jump for hover jets as Bentley)
X + Circle: climb wall (Bob)
  • left analog stick: climb
  • Left/Right + X: leap over gaps
  • R1: slide down
Square: attack
  • interact (usually with anything that has sparkles) (Sly)
  • steal from enemies (from behind) (Sly, Bentley, any of Sly's ancestors)
  • knock enemies upwards (from behind; press Square to slam enemies down for stealth slam) (Sly, any of Sly's ancestors)
    • press Circle after knocking enemy upward to perform Silent Obliteration (Sly; replaces Stealth Slam; must buy on ThiefNet)
    • press Square for Stealth Slam (any of Sly's ancestors)
  • spin attack (hold to charge) (Sly)
  • throw bombs (Bentley)
  • Thunder Flop (in mid-air) (Murray)
  • spin attack (hold to perform) (Murray)
    • control with left stick (must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Raging Inferno Flop (in air; Murray; must be bought on ThiefNet)

  • bomb aim (Bentley)
  • smoke bomb/flash bomb (Sly; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • aim/strafe mode (Carmelita; must hold button down)
    • left analog stick: move
    • R1: shoot (can only shoot in strafe mode)
  • hold for costume select menu (Sly)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for weapon select menu (Bentley)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for fist select menu (Murray)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection

L3: activate compass
R1: run (hold while moving to perform)
  • Paraglide (Sly; in air; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Adrenaline Burst (Bentley; double tap to activate; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Clothesline (Murray; double tap and steer with left stick; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Trigger Bomb (Bentley; must have bomb on field to detonate manually; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • guttural roar (Bob)
R3: Binocucom
  • Right analog stick: move
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out
  • R1: take picture (when applicable) (Sly, Bentley)

Start: pause menu
Select: map
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out, switch between map and status
  • Right analog stick: move map
  • Circle: back

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