Saturday, April 8, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time - Part 15 of 48

In this entry, we get some more parts back for the van, then we trail The Grizz.

Starving Starving Hippo

You'll need to play as Murray to start this job.

For this one, you'll have to get one of the parts - the gravity encabulators - from the penguins that are running around in this episode. And - shut my mouth - they DO mention the thing with him and Bob from Going Up again. They just don't do much else with it after this.

The penguins will be in a group, but will run a way. Some of them will have a red light blinking on them, confirming that they have have a part in their possession. If you can approach a penguin, you'll be on a screen where you have to keep pressing a specific button as quickly as possible to squeeze a penguin to get a gravity encabulator back. There are five in all, and you'll need to get them all back to complete this job. Don't forget to use L3 and the radar in the lower-right corner to find the penguins and get to them.

If you run into any enemies, be sure to have Fists of Flame equipped. It will get rid of them more quickly.

Ice Ice Bentley

You'll need to play as Bentley to start this job.

You'll be using the Binocucom as you go through this area to use Bentley's thermo-vision. If you see any colored footprints through the Binocucom, follow them; they will tell you where to go next. If you see any cracked walls, blow them up.

In the next room, you'll need to destroy a skeleton statue by aiming a bomb at it and blowing it up. Once you do that, you'll catch up with The Grizz. The Grizz gets away when Bentley notices something strange about his artwork. 

This artwork is a puzzle. To solve it, you'll need to look at the nearby statue and notice the three things that give out a heat signature: the apple, the gold medallion, and the penguin. You'll then have to fire darts at them on the artwork itself. Once you do, you'll open up a door.

From here, you'll need to make your way up the slope while avoiding the eggs that will roll down and crush you. You'll soon see The Grizz again, telling his cronies not to let anyone in or out. He then gives the guards some gems, and you'll need to steal the gems from the guards in order to open the door that The Grizz closed behind him on his way out.

In order to easily tell which guards have gems, look at them . The pockets that are a bright red are the ones with the gems. As tempting as it is, do not defeat any enemies after stealing from them; you will be spotted and it will count as a mission fail, and your progress will be set back. Thankfully, the same guards carry the same gems every time.

Once you get the three gems, go through the door. You'll have to dodge the eggs again, and on the way up, you'll also have to avoid being frozen by ice jets. One of the cracked ice walls lead to a shortcut, and another leads to a Sly Mask.

Ultimate Bentley gives Bentley a superhero costume if you activate it.

You'll soon catch up with The Grizz yet again, and this time, he will turn a machine with a lot of grinders on. Bentley will notice that The Grizz is planting some fake cave paintings and setting up a prehistoric art scam where he makes art in the Ice Age, goes back to the present day, and sells his own work for a fortune. From here, it's time to tag The Grizz in order to monitor his location, and the weak spot will be the tear in his pants.

You'll have a very limited time to plant three darts on The Grizz from a distance, and the ice coming out of the machine will block your shots. The Grizz also moves around every so often, which only makes things harder. You'll have to be in the center near where you start for the first shot, then you'll have to get on the platform on the left for the second. Aim square for the hole in the pants and make sure you are zoomed in, or the dart won't take. For the third dart, you'll have to get on the platform to the right for a clear shot. The less time you take to hit the first two darts, the more time you'll have for the third. Once you land the third dart, this job is complete.


Light As A Feather (Murray): Allows Murray to run with the R1 button while carrying an enemy or object.

Bomb Blast v2.0 (Bentley): Doubles the size of any bomb explosion. Be careful with this, as it means you'll have to be even further away to avoid bomb damage.

Confusion Ammo (Bentley): Shoots darts and throws bombs that confuses enemies and have them fight other enemies for you should they connect.

Multi-Bomb (Bentley): Allows Bentley to drop up to five bombs at one time instead of one.

Throwing Shield (Bentley): Briefly produces a shield that protects Bentley from harm while aiming. (This uses the Gadget Grid energy, so be careful.)


Oh Look It's Shiny: Pickpocket ten unique items.


Sly Mask #28 - Climb across this ice wall to get this Sly Mask.

Sly Mask #29 - Climb up this wall for a Sly Mask.

Sly Mask #30 - In "Ice Ice Bentley," blow up this wall with Bentley's bombs on the second rolling egg section to find a Sly Mask.


Left analog stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera
X: Jump and double jump (hold X on second jump for hover jets as Bentley)
X + Circle: climb wall (Bob)
  • left analog stick: climb
  • Left/Right + X: leap over gaps
  • R1: slide down
Square: attack
  • interact (usually with anything that has sparkles) (Sly)
  • steal from enemies (from behind) (Sly, Bentley, any of Sly's ancestors)
  • knock enemies upwards (from behind; press Square to slam enemies down for stealth slam) (Sly, any of Sly's ancestors)
    • press Circle after knocking enemy upward to perform Silent Obliteration (Sly; replaces Stealth Slam; must buy on ThiefNet)
    • press Square for Stealth Slam (any of Sly's ancestors)
  • spin attack (hold to charge) (Sly)
  • throw bombs (Bentley)
  • Thunder Flop (in mid-air) (Murray)
  • spin attack (hold to perform) (Murray)
    • control with left stick (must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Raging Inferno Flop (in air; Murray; must be bought on ThiefNet)

  • bomb aim (Bentley)
  • smoke bomb (Sly; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • aim/strafe mode (Carmelita; must hold button down)
    • left analog stick: move
    • R1: shoot (can only shoot in strafe mode)
  • hold for costume select menu (Sly)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for weapon select menu (Bentley)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
  • hold for fist select menu (Murray)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection

L3: activate compass
R1: run (hold while moving to perform)
  • Paraglide (Sly; in air; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Adrenaline Burst (Bentley; double tap to activate; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Clothesline (Murray; double tap and steer with left stick; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • Trigger Bomb (Bentley; must have bomb on field to detonate manually; must buy on ThiefNet)
  • guttural roar (Bob)
R3: Binocucom
  • Right analog stick: move
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out
  • R1: take picture (when applicable) (Sly, Bentley)

Start: pause menu
Select: map
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out, switch between map and status
  • Right analog stick: move map
  • Circle: back

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