Friday, March 26, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil 2 - Part 4 of 19

In this short entry, we head back to the museum and do a little puzzle solving to find out what the bad guys were after.

Kensington, The Tomb

0:33 - Be careful on these platforms. If you can take them all the way to the top, you can get some free gold without losing a bunch of health or an entire life bottle from falling to the floor below. You can also buy things from the Spiv here.

1:24 - Once you reach the floor, these Anubis enemies will pop out of the nearby coffins. Equip the Cane Stick, stay near the tomb entrance and fry them with the charge attack. When you beat them all, you'll open up the tomb. Go in.

2:51 - From here, Dan will equip the torch, which you can use here. Be ready to fight two more Anubises (Anubii?).

4:18 - In this room, equip the torch and light it, then push the blocks to create staircases to the items here. You'll need to do this to get the Scroll of Sekhmet, the Tablet of Horus and the Staff of Anubis. As you do this, Anubis enemies will show up and you'll have to beat them up. If they get too close, defend, then strike. They won't even affect your shield in any way.

9:14 - Once you get all three items, go into the big opening nearby and place the items on the statues. This is easy, since you can figure out which ones go where by order of elimination.

10:04 - This is what the bad guys were after: a mummy!

10:52 - The War Hammer is back as the Hammer of Thor...or, just the Hammer. Strike with X, and hold Square to charge up and shoot out a shockwave when you let go of the button.

11:35 - Thanks to our efforts, we now have magic power. Now we're going to need some more Zombie Juice for the machines, whatever that means.

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